Chapter Fifteen- Mi Casa Es Tu Casa

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I opened the doors with a key my mom had left for me before she left. Everyone, besides Charles, was 'oohing' and 'ahhing' over my house.

"What're you the president's daughter or somethin'?" Rhys asked in awe.

"Something like that." I pushed open the door and held it open.

More gasps came.

"Holy shit. Stacy, where'd you find her?" Amber said. "Pretty and might be my type after all."

I sat down on the chaise lounge chair and fell back. A full night of partying had drained me. Sleep was calling my name.

"Steal any of my stuff and I will find you." I warned. "There are two guest rooms down the hall. Bathroom is the third door on your right."

With that, I made my way towards my room upstairs. It took all of the strength I had left to drag my body step by step. Plus my head was still swimming.

"Evangiline?" Charles called behind me.

"Si, señor?" I smiled.

"Do I have to sleep with them?"

"Nope. There is a nice soft sofa by the door. Don't worry about any wack jobs breaking in, the guards will get them."


I woke up to "Turn Down For What" playing from a speaker and someone slightly heavy sitting on me.

I immediately screamed and shoved them off without even thinking. My heart was racing. Was I being robbed? Kidnapped?
"Goddamn!" Stacy yelled. "I was just trying to get you up."

"Don't you have school?" I asked. If I was correct, it was now Tuesday- yes we went out on a Monday night.

"Well..." she hesitated. "Yes. But I don't care."

"What about the rest of them?" I threw the covers off me and stood up.

She put an arm over my shoulders and walked down the hall and down the stairs with me. "They left already."

"I don't mean to be a buzzkill, but school is important." I stopped and held onto a railing.

"We were all accepted into boss ass colleges already, so were good."

These people- my friends- are crazy. They're also funny, smart, and slightly rebellious. I love them.

"Rosy?" I yelled. My stomache was running on E and she knows I get pissed when I'm hungry.

"Si?" She replied five seconds later.

"I want bacon, eggs, French Toast, sausage, grits, and O.J. Make enough for all of us. After today, were gonna need the energy."


"Holy Shit!" Stacy screamed from beside me. "What the hell?"

   Her laughter and my heavy breathing was drowned out by our racing feet. The wind whipped around my body so hard that pieces of my hair had fallen from the ponytail and cut my face. It had been so long since I'd ran like that. So long since I was free and filled with happiness.
    The ground below my aching feet was smooth. We were in a field, I could tell by the smell of manure and hay. My body bounced with each step, pulling me towards whatever we were going to.
"Stop at the Poplar!" Charles heaved out the words like it hurt him. My chest and legs ached too.

   I, of course, didn't know when to stop so I reached out and grabbed the nearest person's arm. We came to a sudden stop only seconds later.

"Damn, Amber. I was watching you run... Let me just say I had a great view from behind..." Rhys said through shallow breaths.

I heard Charles, Jessie, and Stacy laugh. How could a thirsty person like him be funny? If anyone's funny, it would be me... After what I just did...

"Someone tell me again why we did that?" Charles chuckled then wrapped an arm around my waist. I leaned in to him.

Stacy answered, "Because Evangiline is awesome. Never thought you two would ever do that."

"Don't judge a book by its cover." Jessie said.

"Oh don't worry. I won't." I smirked.

"Seriously though, did we just spray paint the causeway? And the news station?" Stacy came up beside me and clamped a hand down on my shoulder. My legs nearly crumpled under her weight.

We had just ran from approaching sirens, which were probably somewhere close behind us. Now on four of the cities largest buildings, were the cliche words 'Carpe Diem'. I wanted to put 'fuck society' but no one else agreed on my lack of positivity.

Charles had to read what they had written and tell me to duck when a car or person approached even though I could hear them from a mile away.

"That was fun," I said as I slumped down against the base of a tree. "We have to do that again sometime."

"What if we would have been caught?" Charles asked.

"It's the 'what if's' that'll get you." Stacy said.

After that we called Benny to pick us up and went home. I will never forget that night. Not tell the day I die.

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