Chapter Twentynine- Silk

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Charles pov:

Some of these chapters have been extremely short. That is just for added dramatic effect. If you want to get technincal, it symbolizes how short life can be.
She was so beautiful, in every single way. Evangiline was not just beautiful physically, but in her character as well. Her smile, her laugh, the way she talked; it drew me in. She didnt think it odd that I chose to wait, she stayed with me. I loved her dry humor and the way she handled life. If I were her I would have...opted out.

But her laugh...her laugh... it was so beautiful, so warming.

When she walked with her cane she was steady. I. Loved. Her.

I was in shock when it happened. When she was hit... it was like nothing was real. Every moment in time went by slowly, as if time itself was taunting me. I sat on the bench across the street from the funeral home trying to breath. My father was dead. I had to accept the fact. I never even got to reconcile with him.

But when I heard the loud truck horn, followed by several screams and the squealling of tires on the black asphault, I lifted my head from my hands. At first it was all blurry; all the movement and blood. There was so much blood...

I jumped up from my mournfull state. I rubbed my milky eyes a few times, then I could see more clearly.

Her dirty blonde hair was spread like silk across the black tar road. It fanned around her small range like a flower in bloom. Dark blood engulfed her like a velvet blanket.

Her eyes were closed and her face towards me. Blood trickled down her right temple and into her eye.

I felt a sudden sharp, unbearable pain in my chest. I couldnt breath. I couldnt think. My hands clasped over my heart, trying to pull the pain away.

I stumbled to her. My aching body crumpled down to her side. I didnt care that it was wet with blood. I only wanted to hold her.

Evangiline did not wake when I shook her. She wasnt breathing, but neither was I. The crowd around us grew bigger and bigger as the seconds passed by. She was like noodles in my arms.

"Evan...E...E..." I couldnt utter her soft, angelic name. "Wake up! Wakeupwakeupwakeup! Please! Damnit Evangiline! I... I love you!"

My words bursted out in choppy sobs. My breaths were shallow. Then I sat down beside her and held her hand.

Evangiline changed my life completely.Before I met her I was pesimistic. She changed the way that I saw the world. She changed how I saw my father and my mom, politics and the blind.

I can say now that she made me a better man in every aspect. She taught me to see things through her eyes. Now I see the world in a brighter, more harmonious light.

I truly believed that she loved me as much as I loved her- deep down. If...if I could go back, I would've thrown myself infront of that truck instead of her.

But like she had once said, you can't change the past, but you can shape the future...

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