Chapter Seventeen- He Loves Country

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"So what do you want to do with your life?" Charles asked. Lately he'd been making a lot of small talk. It was as if the silence between us bothered him.

I blew on my cup of hot tea. He did not seemed surprised that I liked it warm and bitter.

"Ummm...hmmmm. Never really thought of it. If I wanted to go to college, it'd have to be Prejean, ya know, for the blind." I said over the streaming cup.

He grunted, showing his criticism. "But what do you want to do?"

"I want to write. Or study psychology. Both actually."

"Really? And how does that make you feel?" He said in a very sarcastic.

"Good.. I guess. What about you? What do you want to do?"

"I want to travel. Or something in neuroscience with the brain. I haven't been to college yet, but it is still an option." he said.

  It seemed like we were hanging out more often...more than needed. We only needed to pretend when Mom, Rosy, or Tylid were around. But part of me was actually liking being with Charles. He always found a way to challenge me or make me smile. And it was better than being alone.

"What kind of music do you like?" I asked .

"I love country and listen to Beethoven when I study."

I almost burst out laughing, but I held it in. I never pegged him as a country boy. "You study? Why?"

"My dad has this weird obsession with me running for office when his term is up. I have to study law and shit."

"But I thought that he is embarrassed of you?"

He hesitated, then I felt bad for being so intrusive.

"Well once his term is up, no one can hold it against him. I think he hopes that I'll change what he didn't.  I know what you mean though; the senators illegitimate son running for his old position. I'd probably not even make it on the ballot."

I cautiously took another sip of my tea. I guess I was preoccupied because I took a huge gulp that was to much on my sensitive tongue. The liquid felt like lava on my taste buds.

"Buck!" I yelled with my tongue out.

"Thirsty?" Charles chuckled once.

"'Ot 'unny". My words came out sounding just a little off. He only laughed harder.

Once my tongue returned to it's normal temperature I resumed the conversation.

"I'm sure you'll do fine."

"I doubt it."

"Why?" I asked.

"Everyone knows about my mom and Tylid."

"Puh-lease! The story came out like six years ago. I'm sure they'll all have forgotten by now."

"No one ever forgets politics. How'd you know about it?" He asked.

I furrowed my brow and said it slow. "My mom. Is also. A senator."

"I know. I just thought that you never talked to her about her work?"

"I didn't hear it from her. I heard it from some people at her benefits. I was about twelve when the news of it came up. Coincidentally when he started running." I said. "So let me see if I remember right: your mom already had you, then the affair with Tylid? Wait! He's your actual dad so... the affair was before his political career, then he... ya know? Right?"

"Um... Yeah." He was uncomfortable by my prying and sounded extremely sarcastic. "Tylid is my dad. That's why I refer to him as 'dad'".

I nodded, feeling like I wasn't getting something obvious, but I still did not understand. I was not going to ask about it anymore.

"So you like county?" I changed the subject.


"Can you sing?" I asked. Suddenly I became aware of how...beautiful his voice was. It was deep and soft, if that was even possible.

His words were that of a politician; filled with charisma but not promise. "Well... I've been told that I can. But I really haven't sung since back in high school."

"Really?" I said sideways towards him after I reached out slowly to sit my cup on the table, but Charles took it from me. I jerked my hand back, almost hitting myself. He knew that I did not want help-no matter what.

"Yeah. It was for a stupid talent show."

"What'd ya sing?"

"'I will always love you' by Whitney Houston." He answered.

I knew that song all too well and I really wanted to hear him sing, so I lied. "Never heard it."

"What?" I felt him almost jump from the sofa.

"Never in my existence, blind or nah. So... Will you sing it to me? Please?" I said casually at first.

"I can't-"

"Please please please!?" I practically begged.

"Only on one condition."


"Will you marry me?"

Ahhh wut??? Keep reading!

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