Chapter Six- Secrets

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When I got home, I find my way to the kitchen. Rosy was humming some Mexican song. It actually sounded pretty.

"Hola, señorita. ¿Como estás?" I asked something I had picked up from her conversations with the other maids.

"Muy bien. ¿Y ?" she replied 'very well. And you?'.

"Muy bien."

"Can you teach me spanish?" I asked.

". Why?"

"So I can openly cuss and be a puta to unsuspecting English speaking pendejos."

"I don't know..." she hesitated.

"Rosy, Rosy, Rosy. You're job is to do what I say."

", but it's not right. Languages are beautiful things that need to be appreciated, not used to insult people..."

I chewed on cheek. Is it worth what I'm about to do? Definitely.
"Please." I whispered.

"Que?" she asked 'what'.

"I said please, Rosy. "

She squealed a little. ", later I will. After supper."

"Okay. Do not tell Charles or mom."

"I will not. Go bathe now. You smell like pescados and sudor."


"Mi nombre es Evangiline- my name is Evangiline. "

I repeated what she said in my own chopped-up version of Spanish.

"Soy la hija del senador- I am the senator's daughter. "

I repeated all she said for two hours. By the end, I learned simple verbs and gender rules of nouns. Plus common phrases and a few curse words.

I could not wait to see Charles again now. I was finally able to discretely be a bitch.


My mom called Senator Tylid and his son for lunch two days later and they happily obliged. Yay.

At eleven in the morning, I smelled cheddar cheese, white rice with some type of sauce, and tea. She let me pick the food.

I pulled on a pair of jeans and big t-shirt, then brushed my hair out.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard a familiar voice and my mother's own. Tylid was here. But I could not hear Charles.

"You have to tell her, Susan. Tell her before she finds out from the press."

"I know but I can't. It'll be too much on her. Not yet. Not now." my mom said, oblivious to how loud she was getting. Her voice was thick and full of emotion.

"Susan-" Tylid objected. "I held a secret from my son for almost his whole life. That came back to bite me in the ass because now he hates me. I am warning you; tell her now."

"Not yet. She needs someone to be there for her. Lets wait till she falls in love with Charles. Then she will have someone to go to. I am all she has now."

I decided to interrupt them, although I was extremely curious. "Charles? You there?" I asked loud enough for everyone to hear.

Tylid sounded startled. "No. He is visiting his mother. Sorry he could not make it."

"Uhh ok." I shrugged.

I walked through the doors then to the large glass picnic table that held our plates. When I sat down, the smell of heavenly grilled cheese filled my lungs. My stomach growled in anticipation. Damn I was hungry.

I thought to myself all of the scenarios that could've been the reason for their argument. What wasn't she telling me? Was she dropping her seat in the senate? Were her and Tylid lovers? The only way to find out was to do my own digging...and I knew just who to ask.


"Hey best friend who I adore with all my soul." I made my voice sound as sincere as possible over the phone.

Charles was silent on the other end.

"Umm are you still alive?" I asked knowing he was still there because of his breathing.

"Huh? Yeah I was just trying to find my glasses to see if I can find who your talking to because no one else is here but me."

I scowled. "Haha. Now I have to ask you something."


"But I didn't even ask yet!"

"If you don't remember, you were a bit of a bitch to me the other day. You told me not to talk to you again."

"Yeah well I didn't mean it... Er well I do but I just have to ask you one thing."

"Shoot." Charles said.

I breathed in deeply. Maybe I should have figured how to word this before I called. "Do You know what my mom and Tylid are hiding from me?"

He stayed silent again. I didn't even hear him breath. Then I heard him clear his throat.


I waited for him to elaborate or tell me what it was, but he did not.


He finally spoke. "I'm not allowed to tell you. I am under oath."

I felt my face redden with anger. "Bullshit. Tell me."

"Look, I am not trying to be rude but it's none of your business"

"If it involves my mother then it is my business."

"I'm sorry, Evangiline, but I can not tell you."

Before I could cuss him out, I hung up. I needed to know now. It was driving me crazy.

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