Chapter Nineteen- Destroyed

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He put his face against my legs. In seconds my jeans were soaked with sweat and tears. He was crying. I made him cry.

Then something stranger than fiction happened;I cried.

Yes, I felt the tiny, tiny tears well up then burst past the dam that my lids made. It took me by surprise.

Doctor Crane told me that I would never be able to cry again. He was wrong.

"I'm sorry, but I can't leave my mom alone."

"Miss Evangiline-" Rosy interrupted.

"Stay the hell out of this!" I yelled at her. Then turned to wherever Charles was. "I can't."

He stood up. "You can't? Or you won't?" I felt his hot breath hit my face.

"I can't." I tried to speak in the least annoyed sounding way possible, but could not help it. He pissed me off.

"Why? All I've done is treat you like a queen. I've taken your attitude and constant pessimism. I looked out for you when no one else would. All I ask is that you love me back."

"We're not in drama class, Charles. Stop being so dramatic... This shit has gone on too long. I knew that I should have just asked my mom herself."

"Dramatic? Me dramatic? I'm not the one who begs for attention just because life threw you a little curveball." He growled at me.

Great! Now he is the one being an asshole to me. Wasn't he just proposing?

"I am blind! I cannot fucking see! You have no idea how that feels!" I screamed at him. "When I wake up in the morning, I can't see my own reflection. I cant see my mom smile, or the food I eat, or the words I write. It's hard, Charles, and I am trying my best to deal with it. I don't need you or anyone else telling me what the fuck to do."

He was quiet for a long time."Maybe that's good. Maybe you don't need to see how you treat people."

I was taken back by his harshness. " How could you say that?" my heart felt weird for a second, then the feeling went away. Maybe I was a little rude, but at least I wasn't prejudiced like him. "You're just a self righteous, spoiled, ignorant asshole. You think you are so much better than everyone! Are you better than me because you can see?"

"If I was blind, I would never hold it against the world. You let it be a chip on your goddamn shoulder and let it hold you back." Charles barked at me.

"Where the hell do you think I've been these past few months?" I barged up to where his heavy breathing was and stabbed his chest with my finger. "With you! Is it not enough that I got out of the bed this morning and ate? Because two years ago, I would NEVER have done that. I can't stand you, Charles Heiden."

I could feel the immense heat radiating off of him. He was scaring me and I was scaring myself. How had yesterday's police chase and laughter come to this? All I wanted was for us to be normal again. For everything to be normal again...

"Evangiline." He sounded defeated, absolutely worn out. Had I destroyed this once charismatic man? Had I changed him just as he had changed me?

But I could never apologize for the way I felt. Never.

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