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The sun blazed through the curtains making me groan. The sound of birds chirping as well as the sound of my roaring alarm clock was all I could hear. I threw my arm up on my side table hitting the snooze button. I squinted my eyes at the red digits.


I can't believe I'm gonna be late on my first day in collage. Just my luck. This year I choose hotel management. I wasn't accepted into the course I wanted this year and this was my second choice. So either way I had to do something this year and I guess this is it. 

I grabbed the closest clothes to me which was black skinny jeans, rips nearly everywhere. A white tee, my yellow hoodie and my ripped jean jacket. And a pair of white converse. ''Twas a look.

I did my makeup quicker than usual, brushed though my semi straight hair and ran out the door

The rain poured as I ran to my car.
I unlocked the car jumping in, putting the keys in and twisting it. The engine not starting.

I hit the wheel in fury, just my luck. I grabbed my phone from my pocket, going to my contacts. I clicked on "fives" a taxi service.

"Your balance is too low to make a call, to top up right now using a visa or credit card please dial 1740 and-"

I really thought I topped up my phone. One way or another I will not miss my first day. It's better late than never

I leaped out of my car, locking the doors. Let's start this journey. I put my hood up and started speed walking in the direction of the collage.

A bit later I walked in the doors of the large building, the hallways were empty. Everyone must be in class? I checked the time.

11:30, lunch time

I followed a few signs that brought me to the reception and got my timetable for the year, apologising about my lateness over and over again.

My black jeans, shoes and jean jacket were wet, practically dripping.

I followed a few more signs, getting directions on the way to the collages cafeteria. My stomach sounding like a whale at this point. I bought something small to keep me going as well as a hot cup of tea. Two sugars and milk as always.

I looked around the room for a seat, unfortunately there was none. I groaned at the sight and went to a wall, sliding down it slowly.

"And hello stranger" a man started, sliding down beside me on the floor.

I smiled at him, saying hello back. I took a gulp of my beverage, coughing lightly at the burning sensation.

"Im Sean, mostly known as Jack"

"Y/N" I reply back, not knowing what to say.

His eyes traveled around me, staring at my wet clothes most likely. Poor guy looked confused.

"Why is you wet?" He laughed at his sentence. Cute

"I had to walk because my stupid car wouldn't start. It was raining outside" you explain.

He nods his head, understanding what happened. The loud bell stopping him from saying anymore. I throw my paper in the bin, Jack hot on my heels.

Jack asks what classes I was going to, I told him and shockingly we had a same class. Hotel management. Nice one

"Shall we walk?" He smiled.

I nodded my head, laughing on the way due to his stupid jokes. We walked into this small enough room. The walls were painted a light blue colour, the tables and chairs being white.

"Jack" a group of boys called from the front of the class. He waved and went over to them, joking about I guess.

I took a seat at the back of the class, grabbing a hardback and a blue pen from my bag. Jack sat down next to me, smiling.

I'm not complaining. He's cute.

Truth Or Dare || Jacksepticeye ✓ #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now