As every morning goes I wake up beside a stunning young lady named Y/N. But, most of the time she wakes me up.I jump off her bed and make my way into her bathroom and take a calm, relaxing shower.
Truthfully I feel like I'm secretly moving in. Maybe I should ask her can I move in here. My place is smaller then hers. Plus she has two extra bedrooms and a small room where we records. Well sometimes records in.
It would be okay if I moved in here, sure we have been going out for a long while and in 3 months time I will be down on one knee asking her to be Y/N Mc Loughlin.
I know what your thinking, 'well someone's fast', well maybe I'm just a kid in love.
Y/N McLoughlin, it sounds amazing.
Can life get any better then that. We might even have like little Jack's and Y/N's running around too. One big happy family.
I'm thinking ahead of time and I don't care. But, I haven't even met her parents and she hasn't met mine. Well once I meet her dad, I'm going to ask and I'm not taking a 'no' as answer.
After cleaning myself carefully in the bathroom, me and Y/N came down the steps hand in hand. Her head slightly on my shoulder.
My green hair bobbled up and down the steps. Today was a special day for me and Y/N.
She talked about having a dog for a while now so she spoke about it with the landlord and he agreed with her. He had a slight crush on Y/N so it worked out perfectly.
I think we were getting a Golden Labrador. Again I think. We were talking about getting different dogs.
But, Mark said a Labrador so me and Y/N agreed. So in other hands, Mark made our minds up. Even though he has Chica at home. He liked them.
We arrived at the pet store. The shop was so cute. We all gathered around the dogs.
All as cute as a button yet we had to pick one.
The one who will be there for everything. Well, hopefully everything.
Talking about dogs there was one that Y/N kept looking at. I think we found her a new best friend!
One of the dogs kept in the back of its cage. Poor thing, wonder if it's a shy little guy.The pup was adorable and quiet. I liked this one. Truthfully I haven't even looked at all of the dogs. This one kept me at his/her cage.
Something connected the dog with me. I called it over and out popped its head. It was a cute little beagle with a red bandanna around it's neck saying 'Adopt Me'.
It left me in complete awe. My eyes twinkled and so did they dogs.
Okay, I'm not leaving here without with pup. This puppy in particular.
"Jack? Mark?" I called. Both came walking into the sight of the puppy.
"I thought you wanted a golden Labrador, (Y/N)?" Jack asked.
"I did until this cutie popped its head up" I smiled at Jack.
"D-Do, I mean is this one the one?" Mark asked looking at the shy beagle.
"Yeah it is, I can feel it!"
Mark and Jack smiled at me and nodded. A smile instantly popped upon my small face. This puppy coming home with us. Wait is it a boy or girl. He/she hasn't moved that much so I don't now.
The manager of the stir walked up to us and asked if we needed any help at all.
Jack was telling him that we wanted the little puppy. I found out the shop owners name was Brian, Brian Mc Donald.
Me and Mark walked around the store while Jack was talking to Brian.
We talked about our future. That's a weird subject to talk about but, it's a small conversation.
Finally after about 10 minutes Jack returned. And this time we were getting the dog bed for to the house.
We had to buy the dishes for food and water, food, treats, toys and other things like that.
"Oh I forgot to tell you the dog is a she so we have a girl dog" he smiled.
"Do you now any names?" I asked
"Why are you asking me. Do you now what this is like picking a baby's name or something" Jack laughed.
The name Luna went through my head. Luna. It's really cute but don't now about that name.
We got home a while ago can the boys going out and the first thing I did when I got it was feed her. My phone began to ring. It was jack.
What did he do this time. I answered it and heard a drunk Jack singing a song. I was trying to make out what song he was singing.
I hung up so I wasn't ease dropping on the boys.
Both of them have been out for about 4 hours. They left about 9-10pm.
Jack just had a make out session with another girl. I was shouting at him saying what happens if Y/N found out about it. He doesn't care, he's drunk."Here Jack it's getting late, maybe we should leave and make sure your GIRLFRIEND is okay?" He glared at me, remembering he kissed a girl.
"Mark please don't tell her" He said in full state of panic.
For the first time Jack had a regret. In front of me, he fucked up this time and he knew it.
I fucked up so much man and I can't do anything. It was a drunking slobber.I asked Mark not to tell Y/N. All he did was smile and look away.
I could read his mind from that smile of his. He wasn't that drunk but he had a couple of drinks.
I wish I didn't get like this. But I fucked up.
"Ready to go Mark?" I asked sheepishly
He nodded, his red hair bounced along with his movement and we headed out of the nightclub and hopped into a taxi.
I told the man my address and In a couple of minutes we arrived at Y/N's house. We're home.
Mark paid the guy since I had spent all of my money on drink.
I unlocked the locked door with my key and stumbled into the house.
Nearly tripping over a couple of times.
Mark helped me to my room after he locked the unlocked door. He helped me into me and Y/N's bed.
Then he left to his own.

Truth Or Dare || Jacksepticeye ✓ #Wattys2018
Fanfiction"Im Sean, mostly known as Jack" •Jacksepticeye Fanfiction•