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I was telling Mark about proposing to Y/N on the 13th of April.

That's what I was doing all day yesterday, plus I didn't get any sleep. She tried to talk to me but, i ignored her.

I know what your thinking, 'jack, speak to you!'. I'm going to talk to her today, once she's up. So far me and Mark planed the whole proposal out. And may I say, they were amazing.

The plans are beyond perfect and amazing. All Y/N has to do is not break up with me or say no.

Easy but, she thinks I'm ignoring her. Whoops. Let's get this cleared up, shall we?

Last night when Jack and I were editing he was talking about proposing to Y/N. I was shocked.

And truthfully, a bit angry. But, I was happy that he found love.

There is many fish in the ocean that are like her, but they aren't the same as her.

Your getting mad at me I'm guessing.

I should try and forget her, but I can't. She pops in my head so many times a day

Truthfully it is sad waking up by-yourself but, Mark and Jack are probably hanging out.

In a couple of days Mark was going home, back to L.A to Matt and Ryan and his two dogs.

I make my way downstairs only to be greeted by my boyfriend, breakfast on the table. Well 3 plates with food on them.

I giggled to myself and hugged Jack. In return for the hug I gave him, he give me one of his kisses only on the cheek.

I smiled at him and he smiled back. Maybe he wasn't mad at me, just hanging.

Mark coughed breaking the moment between me and Jack.

Mark looked at the table and then back at us. My mouth went in a 'o' shape as Jack nodded. We all sat down and began to eat the food.

A little while later, Mark was busy and so was Jack. Mark was on the phone with Matt because Ryan somehow locked them two out of the house. When I heard what they did I bursted out laughing.

Mark sniggered but tried to keep his cool.

"I'm not going home for a couple of days and I'm not going just do it for you okay. Awesome. Yeah, Good luck with your problem. Okay bye now!" Mark sighed.

I laughed once again and we sat down on the couch. Mark laughed as we plopped our selves down.

We chatted as Jack came down. He plonked down with me and Mark. I smiled at him and he smiled back, giving a peck in the cheek.

During this time, the Big Bang theory was on. Sheldon was saying Bazinga and just let me say, it was hilarious.

I laughed through the kiss. Jack looked at me funny and noticed that my attention was on the television screen.

"Hey Y/N?" Jack asks.

"What's up baby?" I answer.

Mark then gets up, winks at Jack and then says he's ganna record some horror game. I smiled and waved him goodbye.

"I was you know wondering about us two and we have been here most of our time and I record video here and-"

"Where you getting at Jack?"

"I was wondering if maybe I can move in here, like couples do you know"

"That's would be more then amazing Jack!" I said agreeing with him moving in with me.

Jack then leaped on me, hugging and kissing me. I could get used to this here.

When Jack finally stopped, Mark came down the stairs clapping and sayings that we can't be getting into that much fun.

Jack and I decided on when Mark leaves, Jack can then move in. Jack says he will be going back home to pack. But, that was ages ago like 15 minutes ago. Jack said that he wouldn't be back until tomorrow.

He called me like 5 minutes ago saying that he stared to pack. Ugh, I can't wait until he moves in. It will be less lonely, quiet and most thing that's better.

Oh fuck. I forgot to tell Jack about my mam coming and having dinner.

"Handsome?" I asked a sleepy Jack.


"My mam wants to have dinner with us, both of us"


"Soon, maybe next week?"

"When marks gone?"


He smiled and said he can't wait for it. He always said he wanted to meet my mam and dad. That would be amazing if I met his.

Maybe he will show me them, but not anytime soon. Plus it will take me a while to now bits and pieces done for their arrival.

So today I learned that Jacks moving in with me and my parents will come to ours next week hopefully after we get stuff in order.

So Jack did it, he asked could he move in with her. That was my last chance to prove to Y/N I really like her, but who cares sure. It was just a crush, right?

I knew one day they were going to move in with each other. The worst thing about leaving on Sunday afternoon was the next time I see them, Jack will be down on one knee asking the biggest question of his life.

Oh my, I never even told her about my feelings for her.

I growled at it and went back on my phone. I opened up Twitter and looked at Y/N's Twitter account.

The most recent thing she put up was a picture of me, her and Jack. It was the night we were out.

She looked great as always and me and Jack looking like dopes. In other words we made funny faces and Y/N just smiled.

I smiled and took a screenshot of it and placed it as my lock screen while my home screen was a picture of my 2 dogs.

Soon I will be back in La. Missing my friend with his soon to be fiancé.

Once again I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror at my face.

Did she see anything in me, I mean anything?

Truth Or Dare || Jacksepticeye ✓ #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now