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I woke up just like any other day but, this time with a pounding headache. It was painful. My cold hand rested on my head. Was I sick?

I can't be sick. Jack was asleep next to me so I shook him. He pounced up looking at me

"Mm Yeah"

"Jack, I don't feel so good"

"What's wrong baby?"

"I've a really bad Headache"

"Do you need anything?"

"I don't know but can you get me a glass of water or something?"

Jack nodded and with that jumped out of bed, to go downstairs. A few seconds past and you could hear jacks steps coming back up the stairs.

He gave me two painkillers as well as my glass of cold water.

My headache left after 10-20 minutes after that. Thank god for Jack and whatever he did.

Y/N came down the steps, smiling. That was a smile that could light up a whole room, she was washed and dressed. Make-up all done and hair just brushed not even bothered to straighten it.

That's one thing I like about girls. When they have confidence but, Y/N had only a small bit of it.

Yet she stood up for herself. Unless something couldn't be fixed by herself then she would ask for help, she would never give up.

She tried. Not giving up. See this girl, this is my girl and nobody's taking her.

I've been thinking about what Mark was saying. I'm actually scared to tell Jack what he had said the other day.

Just incase I break their trust and friendship. Don't wanna do that.

They have been the best of friends and for me to ruin that on them would be horrible.

Instead of me thinking about what Mark texted me, I smiled and went down the stairs. Well, first of all I had a shower, did my makeup and I didn't bothered with my hair. I just washed and dried it. Easy.

I was greeted at the bottom of the stairs by my handsome Jack. He took my hand and led me to the couch.

We cuddled and watched The Big Bang Theory. One of our favourite shows of all time. Hilarious.

Me and Jack stayed on the couch for a while. Me with my head on his shoulder, legs over his and Jack with him arm around my waist and shoulder. Both of us comfy as possible until my stomach shouted at me for not eating. Jack laughed at the noise

"How did that come out of this?" He said pointing at my stomach.

"This is the real me Jack" I laughed.

"But really how!" He asked.

"I haven't eaten yet" I confessed.

"Eat!" He ordered.

I got up from jack and huffed. He laughed at me as I left. I made my way into the kitchen and looked in the presses. It was the same old things we get. Noodles. Pasta. Pot noodles. Soups.

I looked behind a few things and found. Nutella?

Oh yes. My mouth automatically watered. Nutella on hot toast, like it melts into the toast.

From: mark☔︎

I didn't answer his text.

From: mark☔︎
Are you mad at me for saying that?

From: mark☔︎
I'm sorry Y/N

From: mark☔︎
Please answer back

From: mark☔︎
I will never text you again just answer me

From: mark☔︎
Did you tell Jack?

From: mark☔︎
I'm going to take that as a no cause I haven't got a message off him

From: mark☔︎
If your angry at me don't text back

To: mark☔︎
You - I'm not angry you

From: mark☔︎
then what's up?

From: mark☔︎

From: mark☔︎
Where do you keep going, I can't even text you for a second

To: mark☔︎
My phone died, but I have to go shopping now

From: mark☔︎
bye then😩

Jack and I moved into the sitting room. Watching something on Netflix. It was Kung Fu Panda 2.

Even though the third one is out we watched it cause we are going to see it later this week. Talking about later this week or week in preticular. We're back in college next week.

Soon after the movie was over, we actually did go shopping.

Mark has been texting me non stop but I haven't been replying to any of them.

I'll just make up an excuse. Say my phone died, again.

We went to Tesco and got the basic supplies.

I hope one day he would be more then just my boyfriend though. I'd love to start a family with him. But i don't think he's gonna ask me. Maybe later on on life.

Truth Or Dare || Jacksepticeye ✓ #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now