Jack jumps back on me kissing me as many times as he could. I laugh and try to push him off me.I don't want jack and I to move fast into a relationship. With him I wanna take it slow.
"Jack I don't want us to rush into a relationship or whatever this is, I'm sorry" I say, putting my head down.
"Baby, it's okay. I was gonna say the same thing"
Jack kisses my lips and starts to walk upstairs, Where is he going?
"I need to piss!" Jack shouts.
I arrive back down the stairs and see Y/N's body spread across her couch, leaving no room to spare.Netflix was switched on. I smiled at her and she smiled back. I sat across the room since there was no room near her.
"Jack, come here" she moans"
"I think I'd rather sit over here to be honest with you" I laughed.
Y/N stands up from the couch and leaves the room. Where is she going?
Y/N came back into the room. In a snowman onesie. Cute.
She had blankets in one hand and her phone in the other. Y/N sat on me and covered both of us in them.
"I really like you Y/N" I say as she cuddles into me.
"I know you do Jack" she smiled looking back up to me, "I like you too"
"Look I get you wanna take things slow but can we take things slow but be official at the time? I just want to call you mine Y/N and that's the god honest truth"
Y/N doesn't say anything at all
"Is that a no?"
Jack just asked me out. Jack just asked me out. Jack just asked me out.Jack and I acted like we were a couple like the first week we were talking to each other. We texted non-stop also.
"I'd love to be your girlfriend jack"
The next morning I woke up with jacks arms around me. Last night we moved to the couch cause a one seater isn't comfortable to sleep in at all.
Jacks blue eyes opened, he was automatically focused on me. He stretched out his arms while yawning.
I jumped up stumbling to the kitchen, popping the kettle on. Jack set his arms around my stomach, moving us side to side.
"Did I ever tell you that youre beautiful Y/N?" he whispered.
I shook my head 'no', laughing at his morning voice. Sexy.
He starts kissing my neck once again and stops as soon as the kettle boiled.
Once again I got two mugs and got everything ready for our morning caffeine.
Jack and I sipped our hot drinks, trying not to burn ourselves.

Truth Or Dare || Jacksepticeye ✓ #Wattys2018
Fanfiction"Im Sean, mostly known as Jack" •Jacksepticeye Fanfiction•