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Bea's To Do List #1: Find a new ASM

    "You can't do this to me."

    "I'm sorry, Bea, I just don't have time."

    "It's senior year! How do you not have time?"

    "I have so many scholarships to apply to and, if I'm being honest, I want to have time to experience my senior year as much as possible. Join some more clubs and stuff."

    "Make out with Eric, you mean."

    "Hey, don't bring me into this."

    "Are you quitting too?"

    "No way! The sound design will be easy and I already put it on my college applications."

    "Good. Please, Len? You know the admin and Mr. Daniels won't let me run the show on my own."

    "I'm sorry! I just can't."




    "Uh, guys? I'd hate to break up this staring match, but the bell just rang. We should probably head to class..."

    "Yeah, you guys should go."


    "I'm fine, just go to class. I've got to go to the theater, I TA for Daniels this period, remember?"

    "All right. Bye Bea."

    "Bye Len. See you at rehearsal, Eric."

    "See you."


    "Bea, there you are."

    "Yes, Mr. Daniels?"

    "Lennon came by this morning to tell me she can no longer be our ASM. But luckily I have a student who is willing to help out."


    "There's no need for you to roll your eyes. I think Noah will be a huge help to you."

    "Noah, as in the kid who sits in the back listening to music? Who only speaks up to make sarcastic comments?"

    "That's the one."

    "You're kidding me."

    "No, I am not. Noah? Come here please."


    "Stop, frowning. You'll get premature wrinkles."


    "Noah, this is Bea, our stage manager for our production."


    "And she'll be your boss."


    "We'll need you at every rehearsal, starting today. Is that all right?"

    "Can you only use one word answers?"


    "Wipe that smirk off your face you insolent jerk. I'm not happy about this little arrangement either but the least you can do is communicate like a normal human being."


    "Ugh, I'm done with this. I have work to do."


    "Just shut up."


    "This should be interesting."


I'm so excited for this story! (If the gif didn't already tell you that lol

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I'm so excited for this story! (If the gif didn't already tell you that lol.) Bea was one of my favorite characters in Showmance so I had no choice but to give her her own story. And I've gotta say (even though I'm totally biased) that I think this story is going to be really fun and I think you guys will really like it. At least I hope you will...

 At least I hope you will

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