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Bea's To Do List #3: Keep the cast and crew from bonding with Noah

"Back off from my friends."

"Um, what?"

"Back. Off. From. My. Friends."

"I really have no idea what's going on."

"You're getting close to my friends and I don't like it. You're turning them against me, Ramirez."

"I'm turning your friends against you?"



"You, you... Just are, okay! You're turning them against me with your personality and friendliness and other stuff! It's not okay and you have to stop."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're insane?"


"Well either way I'm going to tell you: you're insane and I'm not turning your friends against you."

"Oh really."

"Really, Miss Sassy Pants."

"That's Miss Sass Master to you."

"Whatever. You're completely insane and you're the one turning everyone against you, not me."

"That is so not true."

"It is!"

"What's your logic?"

"You don't like me but they like me so you're mean to them but I'm still nice to them so they like me better. That's my logic."

"Well you know what?"


"That... was a run on sentence and not grammatically correct so your logic is no longer valid."

"I believe that was also a run on sentence."

"Whatever. No one likes you anyway."

"Actually, everyone likes me. That's the root of your problem with me."

"Why are you bonding with them anyway? You don't even want to be here."

"I don't want to be here but it doesn't mean I don't not like everyone here."

"You seemed to not like them when you got here."

"But then I got to know them and they're pretty cool. I'm allowed to bond with people if I want to!"

"No you're not! People who don't want to be here don't get to bond with people who do want to be here."

"Listen Sass Master, you are allowed to boss me around when it comes to everything in this theater except for who I'm friends with. You got that?"

"Yeah, I 'got that'."

"Good. Now if you could excuse me, I have jobs I need to do. Jobs that you said are vital for me to get done."


"Careful, Beatrice, more comments like that and I just might have to make you fall in love with me."

"My name is Bea."

"I know."


Hey everyone! I just wanted to say hello and thank you all again for supporting this story. We got to 1K reads! Yay! Let's keep this going, all right? Okay, that's all. Have a nice day!

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