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*since this chapter is taking place between two characters that aren't Noah and Bea, Len will be unbolded and Kate will be italicized as normal*

Bea's To Do List #22: Make sure all the set doors are working correctly

"Len, you have to listen to me."

"Actually, I don't. If Bea says that she's okay then I trust her."

"That's a first."

"Excuse me?"

"You want to believe that she's okay. If you had even a tiny feeling that something was wrong you'd be all over her."

"There's nothing wrong, I promise."

"Just come back for a day or two and help out."

"I don't have time."

"You don't have time for your best friend?"

"I don't have time for anything. Senior year is really hard and I don't have time to do everything I have to do, let alone the things I want to do, and you have no right to make me feel guilty about it."

"So there's no way you can come back for just one day?"

"Of course I could come back for one day. But then I'd have to stay for another and then another and then I wouldn't leave. I don't have time for not leaving. And I definitely can't abandon her if it is that bad."

"Then what are we supposed to do?"

"Be there for her. I'm happy to take her to the mall or something, that will help a little, but I can't do full on babysitting."

"We don't know what to do."

"Well you should. She may be my best friend but it's not like I have some kind of secret code to making Bea stop acting crazy."

"Sometimes it seems like you do."

"It's nothing that you couldn't figure out. You guys have known her long enough."

"And if we mess up?"

"Then you mess up. I promise that she's not in any real danger."

"What if she gets to a point where she is?"

"Then come and find me. But if she's just acting neurotic and stressed then I can't help you. There's only so much I can do."

"Okay, fine. Thanks anyway."

"It'll be okay, Kate. Even if she doesn't seem like she'll be okay, she will be. Just give her time."


Here it is, everyone! The double update today is now officially over and we are now caught up from the days I missed due to my surgery. I hope you are all enjoying the story because I'm really enjoying writing it.

In other news, JTH ended today. I'm a little sad but I don't think that it's really hit me yet. When it does I'll be a mess. But luckily I have this story and two upcoming stories to focus on instead of dwelling on it. Which brings me to the main point of this author's note: the sneak peaks I promised you guys are now posted! Like I told you guys before, one is for "What Do Couples Talk About" and the other is for "A Guide to Being Super."

Each sneak peak is posted as its own story so head over to my profile to check them out. I hope you enjoy them!

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