Bea: Drop it Already

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 Some (awful) human being told Noah what happened with that guy (I don't even want to mention his name) and I didn't tell that jerk for a reason. He has this annoying habit of being helpful and compassionate when he wants to be and it's so annoying. As soon as he found out, he started asking me about it every day. "Bea, how are you?" "Bea, are you okay?" "Bea, I heard about that asshole, are you all right?" It was sickening.

I tried to get the message across that I didn't want to talk about it but he didn't seem to understand. Or he thought I was doing it because I was in denial or something. Noah was stubborn to a fault and he just wouldn't leave me alone. I was getting close to just slapping him across the face (again) if he didn't stop soon.

To make things worse, my mom was making me go to my cousin's house for dinner. It was my dad's sister's house. My dad had died years ago, when I was only four or so, but my mom had insisted on keeping in touch with his side of the family. So I had to give up a Wednesday night when I should have been working on the show to eat dinner with relatives I had nothing in common with. My aunt had four kids and none of them were remotely my age.

My other uncle came over as well and brought his son, Eli. He was my age and a senior in high school like me, but we had never been that close. But desperate times called for desperate measures so I was forced to actually have a real conversation with him. He had always seemed like a jerk but he ended up being pretty cool.

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