Janelle: A Good Show

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 I know it's totally biased of me to say, but Little Shop of Horrors was one of the best shows, if not the best show, I had been in during my high school years. It was hard to tell why things were so good, like how it was hard to tell why a show was so bad. But no matter what, things were just working. We were just finishing our pre-production process and moving towards tech week and things were going great.

The only show that I remembered doing as well as this one was Bye Bye Birdie my sophomore year. That was Bea's first show as stage manager and it was just amazing. And it seemed like Bea's last show as stage manager was going to be as good, if not better. She had been so upset when Beauty and the Beast had failed so horribly last year so it was nice seeing her get involved with a new show.

Sure, the whole Noah thing was still super awkward but we were all happy to help her move on and give her plenty to do. With our help and the show going well, she'd be over him in no time. And that's all we could really ask for.

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