It's Kind of Cliché | H.M.

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Please read the Author's Note at the end of the imagine.

Synopsis: The reader is the new girl at school and meets Henry.


I woke up by the sound of my alarm going off coming from my phone. Lazily, I hit the button of "snooze" and went back to sleep, for a few more minutes at least.

I was woken up again, this time by the feeling of a pillow hitting me right in the face.

"Wake up, girl. It's the first day in a new school!" Immediately I recognized that voice, it was Kayla, my younger sister.

She didn't stop hitting me with the pillow until I stood up on my feet.

"Go ahead and take a shower and then meet us downstairs to get breakfast. Mom's driving us to school today." After that said, she left my room.

How can someone be so excited to go to school when you can just stay at home watching Pretty Little Liars. Yeah, that's how lazy I am. Going to school means studying and writing until you can't feel your hand anymore.

I walked towards the closet, grabbed my clothes and headed for the bathroom. I took a long shower that certainly did not wake me up at all. After turning off the water and drying my body, I began to put on my clothes, consisting of a simple black shirt and blue jeans.

Once I walked out of the bathroom, I grabbed my phone and put it in my backpack that already contained my recently bought books. Before walking out of my room, I put on my brown boots and my green jacket that I adore.

I went down the stairs and met my mom and my sister. After eating breakfast, we went to the car, me calling shotgun. The ride to school was quick, no longer than ten minutes.

We said our goodbyes to my mother and left the car. Together, we went to the principal's office to claim our respective schedules. Then, we parted ways.

Walking up to my locker with my head inspecting the paper in my hands, I bumped into someone, making them drop their books.

"I'm so sorry, I wasn't looking were I was going." I said, kneeling down on the floor to help the person I knocked down gather their books. I grabbed a beautiful big brown book that had golden letters imprinted spelling the words: "Once Upon a Time"

"Don't worry it's not your fault."

I looked up and saw it was a boy. And oh boy, he was gorgeous. With his brown hair and brown eyes it was impossible not to stare. I know most of you prefer blondes with blue eyes, but I don't.

"You know, it's rude to stare." he said. At this comment, I blushed and handed him his book back.

"I'm Henry. Are you new here? I've never seen you around."

"Y/N. Actually, I've been here for four years already."

His cheeks reddend at this, full of embarassment.

"No I'm just kidding, yes I'm new."

"You actually scared me."

"I've seen."

I walked up to my locker, noticing that he was following me. I put the code in and put my books inside, only leaving aside the ones for my next class.

"I see, you have Biology next. So do I, here I'll show you around." he said after he grabbed my schedule out of my hands.

We began walking together, him showing me where all my classes were. I discovered that we shared most of our classes together, which is good actually.

"And this is the cafeteria, but I prefer to eat my lunch outside, right next to the tree." he explained.

"Why outside though?" I asked.

"I don't know, I prefer a more quiet place than the boring, noisy cafeteria."

"I get it."

And that's the story on how I met my best friend, Henry. With the cliché bumping into each other, thank God I had no coffee with me because like I said before, I adore the jacket I was wearing that day.


Author's Note: As promised, I wrote a new imagine today.

Thank you so much for 170+ reads, when I first started this book I actually thought I would only get 10 reads or so. I know 100 is not that much, but it still means the world to me, knowing that people take time to read my writing, it's an amazing feeling.

Jared Gilmore ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now