Chapter 2: My Life Story (Kind Of)

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Savannah's POV

I didn't really get to spend much time with my mom as a kid. I'm the production of an accidental, drunk one night stand. My mother wanted absolutely nothing to do with me, but my dad wanted me. So when I was born, my mom signed her rights over to my dad and I went home with him to never remember her. I never really thought twice about wanting to meet my mom; I was just trying to live the most normal life that a kid with just a dad could live.

When I was around 10 years old, my dad introduced me to this guy, and his son, who was my age and I was really good friends with from school, that he said would be moving in with us. I just thought that the guy and his kid, their names were Drew and Kaden, were just going to be our roommates. Little did I know that Drew was my dad's boyfriend. Yes, my dad was gay. Technically speaking, my dad came out to me when I was 13 years old. I never really got made fun of for it, and my best friends, Megan and Ella, didn't find it too weird. They actually thought that it was cool.

When I was a junior in high school, I was bored one day and I discovered this website called YouTube. I thought it would be cool to upload a video. I uploaded it and it got like 100 views and a couple of people commented, telling me I was hilarious and that I should make more videos. I started uploading videos almost every week and it just became part of my life, and I then started to gain subscribers. Eventually, I became one of the most famous vloggers on Youtube.

When I was in my senior year of high school, Kaden and I came home from school one day to see a random woman sitting in my living room talking to my dads. She was about my height, had on a black knee length dress, and bright red 6 inch heels. She turned around and looked at me and it looked like she was about to start crying.  She looked me straight in the eyes and I knew exactly who she was. She stood up and gave me a hug. I just stood there frozen; I didn't know what to do.

That was Noelle Buckley. She was, and still is, my favorite author of all time. Her books were amazing and her style of writing was one of my favorites to read. She was the type of writer that I wanted to become. I was so stunned that she was standing in my living room, yet I was still confused.

"Savannah," she whispered in my ear. I still stood there in awe.

"Noelle, let her breathe," my father said, "Savannah, honey, sit down, we need to talk."

"I'd say so. Can someone explain to me why my favorite author of all time is sitting in my living room." I said, with the biggest smile on my face.

"She doesn't know does she," Noelle said.

"Know what?" I asked, looking at my dads with a confused look on my face.

"Savannah," my dad said, grabbing my hands in his and looking me in the eyes, "Noelle, she, uh, she's your birth mom. 

I was in total shock. I couldn't believe that one of my favorite people of all time was my mom. Now I tried to start piecing the clues together- I looked almost exactly like her, I felt a connection with her writing that I didn't really feel when I read other books, I related to her writing so well, and I always was, and wanted to be, a really good writer. She really was my mom.

Noelle/My Mom started talking and she snapped me out of my thoughts

"I went to Stanford University, and got my degree in Journalism, and your father told me that you applied for the same reason that I did. I put in a good word and," she said as she handed me an envelope, "you got accepted."

"Also, I have seen your YouTube channel. I think it is super creative and I really like it. I watch your videos every week." My mother said.

"So you didn't want anything to do with me, and now that it's time for me to go to college, you suddenly want me to go to Stanford just so you can get close to me? And thank you, it means a lot." I said standing up, but taking the envelope.

"Yes, and I'm sorry. I just want to get to know you now. I lost 17 years with you, and I don't want to lose 17 more," she said standing up and coming over to me.

I thought about it for a minute and then decided to sit and talk with her. My dads gave us some privacy, and we bonded for a little while then she had to leave to go back to her home in San Francisco. I soon figured out why she moved out of our small Midwestern town: she wouldn't have been able to become as successful of a writer as she did if she stayed here. Having me would've compromised that too. My father didn't want to move out of small town Missouri and I didn't blame him. I preferred it here than in the city. I just couldn't believe that now, after 17 years and 5 books being written, she wanted something to do with me.

But now it was different-I don't despise my mother for having nothing to do with me anymore, I have my degree in Journalism from Stanford, and my mother and I spend almost every Wednesday together at my kitchen table writing together. I call it my 'Writing Wednesday with Mom'

My mom has taken time off of writing to help me write my books. She then became my editor. Yeah, sometimes there are some hurt feelings still, but other than that we get along. I thank her all the time because she is the reason that I am such a successful author; I thank her because she is the one that convinced me to go to Stanford; I thank her because when I thought of quitting YouTube, she encouraged me to keep making videos and putting myself out there to the world; I thank her because she is the reason that I met Anthony. If I wouldn't have came to California, my life would've never taken the course that it has taken within the last 10 years.

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