Chapter 22: How Could You Forget?

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Savannah's POV

I stand there in Anthony's arms for another 10 minutes until I suggest we sit on the swing that was hanging from the ceiling.

We sit there for another 5 until Anthony breaks the silence.

"Why had you been crying when you opened the door?"

"My dad." I say

"What happened?" Anthony asks

"I found out that he has been lying to me for the past 3 years. Apparently, he doesn't like you and apparently he was never planning on telling me. But here's the thing: if he doesn't like you then why did he say yes to you proposing to me?" I say, turning to look at him.

Anthony's face flushes and he looks at the ground. He reaches his arm back to scratch his neck like he does when he's nervous or about to confess something.

"Well, uh, I, uh, may have forgotten to ask for his blessing on the proposal."

"How the hell could you forget that? That is like, one of the most fucking mandatory things that a guy is required to do before he even buys the ring to propose Anthony." I say standing up and starting to pace on the porch.

"Well I, uh, wasn't really focused on that. I was focused on giving you a day to remember." He answers while continuing to look at the ground.

I walk over towards Anthony and squat down in front of him. I take my pointer finger and lift his chin up. I see that his eyes are glossed over and that he looks like he is going to cry. I guess that I am sounding more harsh and hostile than I want to be. I tend to do that when I want to get my point across. I normally don't mean to; it just kind of happens. That is part of my personality I guess you could say.

"Hey," I say, staring into his big, brown eyes, "it's okay. We will talk to my dad and we will get this all worked out, okay? It will be okay."

"Are you sure? What if he actually says no to us getting married? What will we do then?" Anthony asks taking my hand.

"We don't need to think about that until we have the answer. Even if he does say no, it really isn't his decision to make; we're the ones getting married after all. Yeah, it would me if he says no, but that really isn't my top priority right now." I say standing up.

Anthony stands up and we just stand there and look into each other's eyes. I take in his features: his dark brown, wavy hair; his chocolate brown eyes that melt me every time I look into them; his chiseled jaw; the little bit of scruff that makes him look ten times sexier than normal. He smiles and I can't help but to smile back; his smile could light up outer space.

Anthony's POV

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

How could I forget about asking Savannah's dads for their blessing on the proposal? How could I do that? I guess I somehow flew out here to Kansas City for more than just getting Savannah back; I now have to get her dads to say yes to letting us get married.

For some reason, while all of these thoughts are flying around in my head, a smile is able to make its way to my face. I then figure out why I am able to smile: Savannah forgave me. She doesn't hate me. We can, hopefully, go back to the happy couple we were before all this fighting started.

A smile creeps up on Savannah's face when she sees mine. My thoughts are interrupted when Savannah breaks our comfortable silence.

"Why don't we go inside? It looks like it is about to start raining," She says, letting go of my hand, "where's your bag? We should probably take it inside."

"You go ahead, I'll grab my bag." I say, grabbing my bag from the bottom of the steps then following her into the house.

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