Chapter 20: Pancakes with a Side of Fight

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Savannah's POV

I wake up to hear a knock at my door. I look at my clock to see what time it is: the clock reads 10:24.

I start squirming in my bed trying to wake myself up enough to just get out the words "come in" but when I open my mouth to say something nothing comes out.

I hear the door creak open to see a sleepy version of my dad come into the room. He sits down the the foot of the bed and stares at me.

"Hey do you want anything for breakfast? I made some pancakes. I think that Kaden and Audrey are coming over in a little bit and they really want to see you. I have to go pick up Chris sometime this morning too; he ended up staying at Eli's last night." My father says.

"Yeah, I would like some pancakes, and fine, I will get up and look as decent as I can in a pair of sweatpants and a giant hangover as I can for when Kaden and Audrey get here." I say.

I try to sit up in bed, but as soon as I do my head starts to spin and I lay back down in the bed. All that wine that Drew and I drank last night really got to me apparently.

"Ahh," I say holding my forehead, "I am really hungover for some reason."

I am totally a lightweight.

"Do you need some Advil or something for your hangover? I can get you some if you want. Also, what did you and Drew do last night to where both of you are still in bed at 10:30?" He asks getting up.

"It's a long story. I'll explain it later, and I was going to get up and take a shower. I'll get the Advil myself." I say sitting up. My head starts to throb again and I feel like I am going to throw up.

"Okay honey. Be careful. I'll be downstairs if you need anything." He says, walking out of the room.

After I my dad leaves, I get up and go over to my suitcase. I pull out a pair of sweatpants, one of Anthony's t shirts that I brought with me, a bra and some underwear. I go into the bathroom to take a shower.

After I have washed off and washed my hair, I just sit there under the hot water with one thought running through my head: What if I never am able to get Anthony back?

I get out of the shower and dry off. I put on the clothes that I picked out, brush my hair, then go downstairs.

I walk into the kitchen and see my dad cooking away.

"Will you get the smaller tub of butter out of the fridge? That's the vegan butter that I got for you." My dad says.

"You didn't have to do that." I say.

"Hey, anything for you honey." He says, bringing a platter of pancakes to the table.

I set the butter and the syrup down and sit in my normal spot at the table. My dad places a plate in front of me then takes a seat next to me. A silence washes over us.

After about 5 minutes of silent eating my dad breaks the silence, "so what were you and Drew talking about last night and why are both of you hungover?"

"We were just catching up. It's been a while since we have seen each other in person, and we may or may not have drank a couple of bottles of wine in the midst of things." I reply.

"Ahh, I see."

"He did tell me something that has been bothering me though."

"What might that be hon?"

"Drew," I pause. Should I really be bringing this up? "Drew said that you- you don't like me being with Anthony. Is that true?"

There is a silence that seems like it lasts forever.

"Dad! You don't like him do you?" I say. I feel like my world has just came crashing down even more than it already has been. Now it is just what feels like a pile of ashes lying on the ground. I can feel the tears welling up in my eyes and they are waiting for the perfect time to fall.

"Fine. It is true; I'm not Anthony's biggest fan. He isn't that bad. I just don't see why you like him so much." He replies, continuing to eat like nothing has just happened.

"If you didn't like him then why didn't you tell me? Why the hell have you been lying to me for the past 3 years? 3 FUCKING YEARS DAD!" I scream. By now the tears are starting to fall.

"You would have been crushed if I told you. I know you love him. You see, this is why I didn't tell you: look at you." He says, reaching out to put his hand on top of mine.

I jerk my hand away as a sleepy Drew walks into the room and stops dead in his tracks.

"Why is everybody yelling? You aren't helping my headache at all." He says, walking over to the coffee pot to pour himself a cup.

"Dad just told me that he didn't like Anthony. I'm sorry I didn't believe you Drew, I just didn't think that he was this shallow." I say.

My dad begins to say something but is cut off by a knocking at the door.

"I'll get it." Drew says starting to walk out of the kitchen.

"No! I'll get it. I don't want to be in the same room as the man who has been lying to me for the past 3 years." I say getting up from my chair.

"Savannah! Don't talk to your father that way! He was only trying to protect you." Drew yells after me.

"Well he a shitty job of it." I say opening the door.

I freeze

I expected to see Kaden or Chris standing there but instead I see the person that I was least expecting.

Standing in the frame is the man that I fell in love with 3 years ago.

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