Chapter 27: Back to The Golden State

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Savannah's POV

I wake up and the clock says that it is 9:38. I turn over and see Anthony laying there, shirtless, on Twitter on his phone. I don't think he realizes that I'm awake. I lay there and look at him until he notices that I'm awake. He turns his head to look in my eyes. He then leans over and places his lips on mine. This is honestly the best way to wake up. 

"Why did you end up in bed so late?" He asks me. 

"I got an idea for writing and just went with it. I told myself not to stop until I had a chapter done." 

"So, what was your idea?" 

"You'll have to read it to find out." 

"Well then I want to read it." 

"Okay, let me turn my computer on and then you can read it." 

I uncover myself to feel the cold air of the room hit my bare legs. I walk over to the desk and grab my laptop. I take it back over to the bed where Anthony is propped up on an elbow watching me. I sit down with my legs crossed and open the screen. After the laptop turns on, I go to my document that I wrote last night. 

"Here it is. That's just a rough chapter that I want to build off of." 

After about 5 minutes of watching Anthony's eyes go back and forth on the screen, he looks up and it looks like his eyes are about to pop out of his head. 

"That is my favorite thing that you have ever wrote." He says, closing the computer. 

I let out a small chuckle. I mean, I hope he likes it. It is roughly based off of him. 

"I mean, I liked the way you wrote before, but this is even better. Savannah, this is truly amazing, and it is only the first chapter." 

"Thanks, babe. Now that everything is resolved and we have made up, I think that we need to get back to LA soon. I may or may not be missing having our place to ourselves. And Pip of course. Can't forget about Pip." I say. 

"I was thinking the same thing. Why don't I round our stuff together and you can look for some plane tickets?" I say. 

"That sounds like a fantastic idea." I say, grabbing my laptop. I open it and see the document is still open. I definitely need to take this idea and fly with it. I could make so much out of this one chapter. 

Anthony walks out of the room to go get our stuff out of the bathroom. I don't think he remembered that he is only in his Calvin Klein boxers. I don't think he wants my dad to see him without clothes on. 

"Hey babe did you forget something?" I ask loud enough for him to hear me. 

"No, what is it?" He asks as he comes back into the room, his hands full of stuff. I run my eyes up and down his toned body. Apparently, he can't take a hint. 

"Hello? Earth to Savannah. What did I forget?" He asks. 

"Pants, Anthony. Put on some goddamn pants if you're going to be walking around my dads' house as nonchalantly as you are. I mean you should know this by now babe." I answer. 

"Oh, right." 

He walks over towards his bag and puts on a pair of sweats and a his tomahawk chop t shirt. 

"What about you? Why do you get to walk around the house half naked and I don't?" He says coming over to sit on the bed and looking at my laptop screen. 

"I found some for a flight that takes off at 6:00 tonight. Is that okay?" I ask turning to face him. 

"Yeah, that sounds fine. It gives us time to pack and stuff." Anthony answers, getting up. 

"I'm going to go talk to my dad. Promise everything will be packed by the time I get back?" I say, closing my laptop and getting up. 

"Yes, I promise. Do you want to get some clothes out to wear? You kinda are still in your pajamas." Anthony says, wrapping his arm around my waist. 

"Yeah," I say kneeling down by my suitcase. I grab a pair of pink joggers and a flowy Nike t shirt. I also grab my teal Nikes and my snapback with a white diamond on it. After I get dressed I go into the bathroom and straighten my hair. I put on the snapback and go down stairs to see my dad sitting on the couch watching tv. I plop down next to him and see that he is watching the morning news. 

"What's news worthy today pops?" I say.

"Nothing new. What's on your agenda today baby girl?" He answers.

"Well, Anthony and I are flying back to LA tonight. I'm sorry we couldn't stay longer, but we both are super busy with work stuff." I say. 

"It's okay honey. But you have to promise me that when Anthony proposes that you will let me know." He says. 

Well, it's kind of too late. I will let him know in about a week that Anthony proposed even though he was proposed a few days ago and last night. 

"I promise I will." I say putting my left hand under my thigh so he doesn't see my ring. 

We sit there just watching the news until Anthony comes down the stairs with both of our suitcases. 

"How long did you pack for?" He asks when he gets to the bottom of the stairs, out of breath. 

"I just started throwing stuff into the suitcase, so I don't really know." I answer. 

"How about Drew and I take you out to lunch then we will take you two to the airport?" My dad says standing up from the couch. 

"That sounds good to me," I say, "is that okay with you babe?" 

"Fine by me." Anthony answers.

"Speaking of Drew, where is he?" I ask.

"He ran to the store really quick. He should be home anytime." My dad answers. "Here let me take one of the suitcases and put them in the car." 

As Anthony and my dad go to put the suitcases in the car I walk over to the mantel over the fireplace to look at the picture of Kaden and Audrey. 

"A baby announcement picture that people don't know is a baby announcement picture. That's so clever." I say a loud.

"What's so clever?" Drew asks as him, my dad, and Anthony come into the room. 

"Kaden and Audrey's baby announcement picture. A baby announcement that people doesn't know is a baby announcement. It's so clever." 

"It really is isn't it. What time is your guys' flight?" 

"It takes off at 6, but we probably should be at the airport by 4 or a little after." Anthony answers. 

"Well then, we should probably get to wherever we are going for lunch." My dad says, clapping his hands together. 

"Okay, where should we eat?" Anthony and I say in unison. The 4 of us standing there burst out laughing.

"There's this really good vegan restaurant down town." Drew barely manages to get out between gusts of laughter. 

"Sounds good to me." I answer. 

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