Chapter 15: I'm Done

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Anthony's POV
"Hi." I say going up to her and reaching my hand out to touch her arm.

She takes a small step back, giving me a sign that she doesn't want to be touched. 

"Babe, can we please talk? We can't end on the note of how last night went. I'm sorry. What I said was out of line and I don't know what I was thinking. Please, can we just sit down and talk?" I say, my voice almost sounding like a plead.

"Anthony, I," Savannah says, before being interrupted by the barista calling her to get her smoothies. She walks over and grabs the drinks.

"As I was saying, I don't know if I can do this here without screaming or crying or both. I just don't know..." She says trailing out in the middle of the sentence.

"Give me 5 minutes. Please."  I say gesturing to a table near by.

"Fine. But I have something that I need to get to later, so make it fast." She says walking towards the table.

I realize that I never ordered a smoothie.

"Do you mind if I go grab a smoothie really quick? I never grabbed one and..." I say before Savannah cuts me off.

"Here. Take this one. I don't know why I got two." She says, pushing a pinkish-greenish smoothie towards the opt her chair at the table.

"Are you sure," I say and she nods her head yes, "thank you."

"Anytime." She says looking at me as I sit down.

I sit down and there's a tense and awkward silence between us.

Now that I think about it, I don't even know what I wanted to say to her. I already apologized, but I knew that I hadn't gotten through to her yet. I need to think of something and I need to think of it fast.

"Are you just going to sit there or are we going to talk about what happened?" Savannah asks in an annoyed tone, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh, yeah. I just don't really know what to say. I already said to you what I had thought about over there and I knew that I didn't have you convinced, so that's why I had you sit down." I say before taking a sip of my smoothie.

"Okay. Anything else?" She says.

"Well, I mean, I'm not the only one that is at fault here. You also were in the fight and we're kind of the cause of it." I say then instantly regretting it.

"Really? Now's the time you want to start blaming me for fighting? Ya know, if it wasn't for us having to go out to lunch with your dad and Laura yesterday, we wouldn't even be in this situation right now would we?" Savannah yells.

"Well no, but..." I reply, getting cut off again.

"BUT WHAT? BUT FUCKING WHAT? If you're blaming me for this fight, is this how the rest of our lives together are going to be? If it is, then I don't know why I said yes to marrying you."

I am at a loss for words right now. Did she really just say that she regrets saying that she would marry me.

"Well you know what Savannah... If this is how the rest of our lives are going to go, bickering and fighting all day long then I can't see why in the world I ever wasted my time planning out a whole day to propose to YOU."

What the hell did I just say?

"Fine then. If you think I'm a waste of time, here's your fucking ring back." She says slamming the ring down on the table.

She gets up and starts to walk out of the smoothie shop, and I go after her.

I feel a guy with a really strong grip grab onto my arm behind me.

"Dude, let her go. She needs to cool off." I hear a deep voice say behind me.

I sigh and go sit down at the table we were just sitting at, grab the ring and just hold it in between my fingers, thinking about what had just happened.

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