Chapter 28: Hey Bestie!

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Savannah's POV

After a long lunch, we barely make it to the airport in time. Next thing I know, the four of us find ourselves standing in the middle of the airport. I turn and look at my dad. 

"Again, I am sorry we couldn't stay longer you guys."

"It's okay honey, we understand. Promise you will call when you land?" Drew says.  

"I promise I will call when the plane lands." I say to my dad while embracing him in a hug. 

"That sounds perfect you guys." Drew answers. 

"Flight 229 to Los Angeles is now boarding. I repeat Flight 229 to Los Angeles is now boarding."

"That's our flight." Anthony says. 

"I will see you later guys." I say giving Drew and my dad one last squeeze before walking towards our gate. 

"And I will remember to call you guys!" I yell over my shoulder as I am being pulled by Anthony towards the gate. 

We get into the gate and board our flight. As I sit here in my seat I begin to debate on how I am going to fill in the extra time that I have on my hands. Do I write? Do I watch Netflix? Do I sleep?

I think that the answer is obvious. 

After the flight takes off, I whip out my laptop and start writing. After about an hour and a half I turn to see that Anthony is asleep, so I continue to write. But then I began to start to get this weird feeling that I am being watched. I turn around to see a pair of eyes looking in the crack between Anthony and I's head. I hear a gasp and the eyes pop down under the top of the seat. I turn and start to type again and I hear a scratch against the back of my seat. I slowly turn my head around to see the eyes pop back down below the seat. I decide that I should say something.

I turn my head and peak over the seat. "You know I don't bite. If you want to say hi, just say hi."

They eyes slowly come over the seat and I see that they are a beautiful shade of green. I'd have to say some of the brightest green eyes I have ever seen. After about 30 seconds, I hear a faint voice squeak behind me. "Hi." Is all that I hear before the eyes disappear again.

"You don't have to be so shy. I'm used to random people coming up and saying hi. It's okay." I say

The eyes pop back up and just stare at me. I decide to say something else. "What's your name?" 

"Lucy. You look really familiar. Is your name Savannah?" The little girl asks. Now her entire head pops above the seat and I automatically who she is. Lucy is my friend Ella's daughter. Ella and I have been friends for over 10 years, but I haven't got to see her since last spring. 

"Yep. Don't you recognize me? I'm Aunt Vannah. You know, the one that lives in California? Who are you hear with? Lucy?" I say 

"My mom and dad, but shhhh," she says, putting a finger against her mouth, "they are sleeping. I'm supposed to be sleeping too, but I didn't really want to." 

"I feel ya sister. I haven't slept in a while and I am exhausted. Also, I should be working, but I'm not doing that either." I say, laughing slightly at the end. As soon as I stop laughing, Ella starts to stir in the seat beside Lucy. All that I can do is hope that she wakes up so I can talk to her for the first time in months. 

"Lucy honey, stop bothering the people around us and go back to sleep." A sleepy Ella states. 

"She's fine. I needed some in-flight entertainment anyways." I say. Ella's eyes bolt open and look like they are going to bulge out of her head. A smile creeps up on her face as she registers who I am. 

"Savannah Raleigh Fawcett what the heck are you doing on a plane to Los Angles coming from Kansas City?" She says, sitting up in her seat and becoming more alert. 

"I had the same question for you and your husband, Ella Dawn Cantrell." I say. As soon as I say that Ella's husband, Nick, starts to stir in his seat. I can hear him mumbling but I can't quite figure out what he is saying. 

"Well to answer your question, Nick and I are taking Lucy to Disney. Now it's your turn to answer the question." Ella says. I see Nick's eyes flutter open as soon as I start to answer.

"Who are you - well hot damn! If it isn't Savannah Fawcett! What brings you to back to KC? LA not treating you well?" Nick says. 

"We are on a jumbo jet 30,000 feet up Nick, and I was only in Kansas City for a couple of days. Just enough time to figure out some family matters," I say glancing over at Anthony, who is still asleep in the seat beside me, "I hear you are taking this fine young lady to Disney. Am I hearing this right?"

"You are hearing correctly. Are you traveling also or is this California Hotshot of a boyfriend with you?" Nick says.

"He's here. He's asleep next to me. Now how long are you guys going to be in Cali? I would love to show you some cool places around LA, but El did you change you change your number? I have tried to call but it never went through," I say frowning, "Hey Lucy, you see this guy beside me? You should pull his hair to wake him up. It's okay. He won't yell at you I promise." I say. 

I see Lucy get on her tip toes to look over the seat. She just stares for a moment then she starts to reach her little arm over the back and feels around for Anthony's head. After she finds it, she grabs a fist full of Anthony's quiff and gives it a great big tug. Anthony jolts up and looks around, clearly confused on where he is. He twists his body around to look behind him to try and figure out who just pulled his hair. 

"What the hell? Control your- oh wait a minute you're my fiance's best friend, how're ya doin' Ella?" Anthony says with a nervous tone in his voice. 

Ella lets out a chuckle. "I'm fine Anthony. Did I hear you say fiance?" 

"Yes you heard correct. Anthony and I are engaged." I reply.

"Congratulations you two! When's the wedding?" Ella asks.

"We haven't set a date yet. You will definitely be getting an invitation though." I reply. 

The chime of the overhead speaker breaks up our conversation. "We will be landing in about 10 minutes. Please buckle your seatbelts because we are now beginning our descent." 

"Well if you need me to show you around LA then just give me a call." I say.

"If we need it, we'll give you a call." Ella replies. 

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