Chapter 17: Go Get Her

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Anthony's POV

I get home and Savannah is nowhere to be found. She won't pick up her phone or answer any of my texts. I'm really worried about her. 

I dump my backpack on the floor next to my bed and just collapse face down on it. I soon drift off to sleep and I wake up to the buzzing of my phone in my pocket. 

"Hello" I answer in a groggy voice. 

"Dude where's Savannah? She was supposed to meet me for lunch so we could talk about video ideas and she isn't answering her phone." I hear Ian say into my phone. 

"We got into another fight and she just took off. She won't answer any of my calls either and I don't know where she could be. I feel like I have checked everywhere." I answer.

"Whoa whoa whoa. Another fight? What happened? And have you checked everywhere in you apartment? There might be some clues there." He says. 

I get up and walk over to the closet. I open the door to see a bunch of Savannah's clothes and shoes missing. 

"That's a story for later," I say, "well a lot of her clothes and shoes are missing. That has to mean something right?" I ask.

"Yeah! That's a start. Okay, we know that she went somewhere. Go look around some more and see if she left a note or something." Ian answers.

I walk towards the kitchen area and see a sheet of paper on the table. Aha! That's got to be a note from Savannah.

"There's a note on the table." I say picking up the paper like it could explode if I hold it wrong. 

"What does it say?" Ian asks.

"I don't know. I haven't read it yet." I say looking at the top of the note.

"WELL READ IT!" Ian screams.

"Okay!" I yell back into the phone. 

I begin to read the note and a tear rolls down my cheek and falls onto the floor as soon as I read the first sentence. 

Dear Anthony, 

I know that you're wondering why I am not answering your calls or texts, and the answer to that question is actually quite simple: after what happened this morning, I don't know what we are or where we stand. I hate this feeling that is inside of me of how my head is just so full of all of this bullshit that has been happening in the last couple of days. 

There was only one thing that I could think of to help me make it better and it almost go away: I had to go back home. Home as in Kansas City; I need to see my family and clear my head and think. I know that this is a shitty way to say goodbye, but Anthony, this isn't me saying goodbye. This is me saying that I need a break. I need to clear my head and think about where we stand. 

I know that you are probably thinking that, based on the rest of this letter, that I don't love you anymore, or that I have gone away and that I'm never coming back. 

That, my friend, is pure bullshit. 

I love you with all of my heart and I know that I won't go a day without thinking about you while I am away. That would really fuck up why I left, but I will just have to go with it. I love you with all of my heart and that will never change. I cannot express in words how much I love you Anthony, but I am asking a few things while I am away: I am asking that you don't try to call or text me while I am away; I am asking that you don't come out and bring me back because I won't come back until I'm ready. It's not that easy to say this, and trust me it isn't that easy. 

I don't know how long I will be away, but trust me I will come back. I can assure you that. 

I love you Anthony,


"Uhh, Anthony, you still there?" I hear Ian say. 

"She went back to Kansas City. She left. What do I do Ian?" I ask, tears falling and landing everywhere. 

"You know what you have to do: Go get her." Ian says with an urge in his voice. 

"But in the letter she asked me not to." I say.

"Letter, smetter. Who cares? If you don't go then you could lose her. Anthony, you need to go." Ian says. 

"I," I say, stopping myself from saying what I was going to say, "okay. I'll go. I'll call you before I leave." 

"Okay, good luck buddy. Now, go bring her home." I hear him say before he hangs up the phone. 

I run over to my bed and grab the suitcase that is under there and notice that the other one is missing. The bigger one I might add. How long had she packed for? 

I run to my closet and start to get enough clothes and essentials for about a week. I close my suitcase and run to my laptop to book a ticket. 

I see that there are multiple tickets still left for the flight later today, but I don't really have enough time to make it, and I bet that is the flight that Savannah is on. 

I see a ticket for a flight tomorrow morning and book it. 

Well, looks like I am all set. 

I am going to go get the girl. 

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