Chapter 5: Almost Sexy Time

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Savannah's POV

Last night Anthony was acting really weird. He had this nervous vibe about him and I just couldn't pinpoint what it was. Does that ever happen to you?

Soon I find myself bored at home, so I call up one of my best friends, and fellow YouTuber, Tyler Oakley.

"Hey TyTy, you busy today? I was wondering if you wanted to have lunch then come back to one of our places and film a collab."

"Hey Vannah, sure I would love to. Why don't we film at my place later?"

"Okay, I'm cool with that. You want me to pick up something to eat and some Starbucks on the way over? Anthony and I found this new vegan Indian food place and it is amazing." I say

"Sure! Why don't we do some curry and from Starbucks a venti, iced, caramel macchiato? Is that okay?" Tyler answers

"Of course! What kind of video do you want to do?" I ask

"It would be fun, and kind of easy, to do a Q-and-Slay for my channel. Why don't we both just tweet out #AskTyler or #AskVannah and say that there's going to be a special guest?"

"I would be totally okay with that. Okay, I'm going to go take a shower and look presentable for a video and I will be over with the food and coffee." I say into the phone

"Okay, I will talk to you later. Bye babe!" Tyler practically shouts into the phone.

"Byeeeeee!" I yell.

We hang up and I go and take a shower. After that, I do my normal makeup routine and blow dry and curl some beachy waves into my hair. I couldn't decide what to wear, so I asked Anthony. He walked over to our closet and pulled out a flowy white v neck t shirt with black ripped skinny jeans. Also, he pulled out a gray, jacket type sweater to go over it, and to top it all off, he handed me my black low top Converse with one of his favorite beanies.

"Letting me wear your beloved beanie are you?" I say with a smart ass grin on my face.

"Well you don't know where your black one is and I wanted to you wear a beanie. You make them look so sexy." Anthony says coming over and putting his hands on my waist, kissing me passionately.

I kiss, passionately, back and before I know it we are in a full-blown make-out session. I back him up and he lays down on our bed without breaking the kiss. I smile into the kiss and Anthony starts to kiss me harder. I straddle his waist and start to pull at the hem of his shirt. He rips off his shirt and starts to tug at my shirt and I start to realize that I'm not ready.

I vowed when I was a teenager that I would save having sex until I was married, or at least engaged. A really good friend of mine got pregnant when we were 17. I knew that I didn't want to go through that and that I wanted the father to my children to stick around to raise them with me. Yeah, I know that Anthony and I are going to be together for a long time, but I am not ready to raise a baby. I just don't want to risk it right now.

I break our kiss and stare towards the ground.

"I- I can't. I'm not ready and you know that." I say stroking his chest with my finger tips.

"I know babe. I don't know what I was thinking." He says, looking at the ground.

I lift his chin up with my pointer finger so he is looking me in the eyes.

"Daniel Anthony Padilla, (I think that is his name... I googled it and it is one of the things that came up) you know I love you, and you know that I will have sex with you when I am ready. I know we have been dating for a while, but I'm just not ready yet." I say looking back at his chocolate brown eyes.

"I know babe. Now don't you have somewhere to be? I think Tyler is expecting his food and Starbucks." Anthony says, kissing me again.

"Yeah I know." I answer, readjusting myself, getting up and grabbing my bag with my laptop and camera in it, and walking towards the door, but not without giving Anthony a kiss goodbye first.

"See you later babe!" I yell halfway out the door.

Anthony's POV

I throw on my shirt and run and grab my phone to call Ian

"Dude, why the hell are you calling me it's too damn early." Ian says.

"Ian- it's 11 o'clock. It isn't that early. Savannah is going to be at Tyler's this afternoon. This is my chance to plan the proposal. Get over here so we can figure this out. Today is about the only day that I will have the chance to plan anything without Savannah thinking something is up." I say, with annoyance in my voice.

"Okay, fine. I'll be there in 20 minutes. Goodbye." Ian says then hangs up.

I have to make sure Savannah stays away all day, so the next thing that I do is call Tyler.

"Hey Tyler, can you do me a huge favor?" I say as soon as he answers the phone.

"Yeah, sure. But where is your girlfriend? She should be here by now shouldn't she?" Tyler asks.

"Uhh, she got held up doing something here before she left." I say, my cheeks turning beet red.

"Okay, okay, okay. I don't want to know whether or not you two fucked or not just tell me what the favor is." Tyler says laughing into the phone.

"I need you to keep Savannah at your place or at least occupied until at least 4 o'clock." I say

"Okay, I think I can do that. Why though?" Tyler asks

"I am planning something and she can't know what I am planning." I say.

"That is kind of weird Anthony, but okay, I will try my best to do that. I'm going to hang up now because your girlfriend is knocking on my door." Tyler says

"Okay, bye Ty. Thank you so much." I say

"Anything for Savannah's sake. Bye!" Tyler says then hangs up.

Phew, I just barely dodged a bullet there. At least he didn't suspect too much, but did he really think me fucking Savannah was what made her late? Yeah, I might have been the reason that she was late, but it wasn't because we were having sex.

I hear a knock on my door and realize that Ian is here. Well, looks like it is time to plan the perfect proposal...  

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