Chapter 16: Coming Home

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Savannah's POV

As I leave the smoothie shop, the tears that I had been holding in since I saw Anthony started to fall. I mean wouldn't you cry too if you had just broken up the engagement that you had been waiting, what seemed like, forever for? I see my car and get in the driver's seat. I just sit there and stare at the car in front of mine.

I figure out that the tears that had been falling had stopped, but I still wanted to cry.

A bunch of thoughts are going through my head:

He hates me for this.

I need to go home. Not my apartment, but my original home: the out of state one.

Does he still love me?

I still love him...

I grab my phone and see 5 missed calls from Anthony and like 20 texts. Geez, I haven't been in my car that long.

I unlock my phone and go into my contacts and start scrolling for the only person that might know what to do in this situation:


I click call and my mom picks up on the second ring.

"Hey honey, have you had time to review the rough draft? I need to get it back to Jamie so she can help proof it and," She stops mid sentence, "honey, why aren't you answering me?"

"No mom, I haven't gone through it yet. I was busy yesterday, and today," I sigh, and another tear falls down my cheek," today just isn't my day so far."

"Honey what's wrong? Want to meet over coffee and talk about it?"

"No, I just want to come over and talk. I'll be there in 20 minutes okay?" I say then hanging up so she can't object.

I start my car and start driving. I turn on the radio and it starts playing Classic by MKTO.  Anthony and I would sing this together every time it came on the radio or anytime that we heard it playing in general. I start to cry again just as I am pulling onto my mom's street.

I pull into her driveway, get out of my car, then go knock on the door.

My mom looks different compared to her usual organized, prepped self. She almost looks relaxed.

"Oh honey." She says, taking me in her arms and walking me towards her couch.

The two of us just sit there in silence for a while. Me crying into her shoulder and her having her arms around me, just letting me cry.

After about an hour of this, my mom breaks the silence.

"Are you ready to talk about what happened?" She asks in a soothing tone.

"I think so." I say sitting up.

I proceed to tell her yesterday's events and when I get to what I said to Laura, my mother interrupts me.

"You called her WHAT?" My mom asks laughing.

"An air-headed, selfish, corporate bitch that's full of herself. And it's true; I was speaking the 100% truth." I say laughing for the first time today.

"That is awesome honey. Keep going, keep going!" She says leaning in and listening for what I am about to tell her.

I then tell her what happened after Anthony and I got back to our apartment.  My mom just sits there with her mouth hanging wide open.

"Honey, I'm so sorry." She says.

"That's not all that happened." I say, a tear falling down my cheek as I squeeze my eyes shut.

I then tell her what happened at the smoothie shop this morning: Me not wanting to listen to Anthony at first, him basically saying that proposing to me was a waste of time, and me giving him the ring back.

"What do I do mom? I can't go back to our apartment if Anthony is there, and I want to go back to KC for a little while and talk to Ella. She always gives me the best advice and I haven't seen her in forever." I say looking at the floor.

"Then go back for a couple of days. It never hurts. Going back should help you clear you head. Just call your father and let him know you're coming." My mom answers, wrapping me into a hug.

We just sit there in silence for a little while.

"Thank you mom. I knew that you would know what to do." I say giving her a reassuring squeeze and getting up.

We both walk towards her door and she lets me out.

"Call me as soon as you land in KC and tell your fathers that I said hi." I say.

I laugh a little bit. "I will mom, I promise."

I get in and drive back to Anthony and I's apartment. I knock on the door and wait there for a couple of seconds to see if anybody is there to open the door. After about a minute, I realize that Anthony isn't home and I let myself in.

I walk over to our bed and pull out a large, black suitcase. I then start to get enough clothes and enough travel essentials to last me around a month. I don't really have the intent to stay that long, but you never know.

I then go and sit down on my laptop to look for plane tickets. I buy one that is scheduled to leave in about 4 hours so that gives me plenty of time to get to the airport, yet the littlest amount of time in LA for a while.

I then rip a piece of paper out of a notebook and sit down at the kitchen table and start to write.

I write a note to Anthony explaining why I went back to Missouri for a while and assured him that I would be back.

I sign the note and call an uber. I zip my suitcase and put my laptop, camera, and chargers for everything in my backpack and walk towards the door. I remember that I have one more thing to do before I get on my flight.

I grab my phone and dial a number.

"Hey dad, it's Vannah. I just wanted to let you know that I am coming home and that I hope that my bed is ready for someone to sleep in it."

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