Chapter 26: Gimme the Ring

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Savannah's POV

It is about 11:30 when Audrey drops me off at my house. I had so much fun catching up with the friends that I haven't seen in months. I enter my house to see Anthony sitting on the couch watching tv. I walk over and plop down on the couch next to him and it seems like he about jumped a foot off of the couch. I cannot help but to laugh. 

"It's not funny." Anthony says.

"Oh, but it is." I say kissing him on the lips. 

"Where did you and Audrey go anyway?" He asks after I break the kiss. 

"We went out for dinner with Ella and then went back to Ella's and just caught up." I say, leaning into him. 

"That sounds fun. Well I have some good news." Anthony says. 

"Yeah so do I," I say, "but you first." 

"Your dads gave me their blessing. The whole wedding thing is a go. Savannah, we're going to get married." He says kissing the top of my head. 

"Oh my gosh, Anthony that's awesome. That definitely tops my news, but since we are in the all clear, do you have the ring. I want to start wearing it again." I say. 

"What is your news?" He asks, avoiding my question. 

"Oh, yeah. My news. Audrey and Kaden are going to have a baby. We're going to be an Aunt and Uncle!" I say. "You dodged my question though: Do you have the ring with you?" 

"Do I have the ring with me? Of course I do," He says, getting up from the couch and getting down on one knee before me, "but now you have to answer my question: Savannah, will you do the honor of becoming Mrs. Savannah Padilla?" 

"I would be honored." I say. He places the ring on my finger. 

"Now you have the ring; not me." Anthony says sitting on the couch next to me. 

"Haha, so funny." I say. 

"So I saw the rough draft of you're new book, and I started to read it." He says, picking up a stack of papers off of the coffee table in front of him. 

"What did you think? I don't really know how I feel about it. I mean I like it, but I'm not in love with it." I say, taking the stack. 

"Of course you're not in love with it, you're in love with me!" He says, "But, I thought it was good." 

"Yeah, I just feel like I need to sit down and free write for a while and see what I come up with." I say, getting up. "I actually think I'm going to get up and go do that, I just got a really good idea." 

"Okay babe. I think I'm going to watch some more of this show then I'll be up later." He says. 

"Okay. See ya." I say walking up the stairs. 

I go into my room and change into one of Anthony's t shirts and just leave off my pants because why not. I grab my laptop and go over to my desk. I sit down and open a new document. I start to type but then I erase it. I repeat this process until almost 1:00. I don't know why I can't figure out what to write. Normally it just comes to me but today, I just can't decide what to put on the page. I just sit there in the dark for a little while. I lift my hands to type something and my ring hits the edge of the desk. I just hold my hand still and stare at the ring, and the idea comes to me. I just start to write and before I know it the sun is coming up. I look over at the bed and see Anthony fast asleep. I close my laptop and tip toe over towards the bed and crawl under the covers. Anthony turns over towards me and throws his arm around me. 

I can't wait to show him what I wrote. 

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