Chapter 4: Little Black Box

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Anthony's POV

I drove the the shop that I ordered the ring from. I take a deep breath and walk in.

"Hi I'm looking for Daniel Johnson, he designed a ring for me," I ask the sales lady at the front desk. She dialed a number on the phone and the man that I talked to the month before came walking over to me.

"Hello Mr. Padilla! The ring's over here; follow me." He said, gesturing for me to follow him.

"The ring came out beautifully. You have really good taste compared to some of the other guys that come in here asking for rings." Daniel said as he pulled out a little black box from under the clear, glass counter.

He opened the box and I was in total shock. The ring was perfect. It had a princess cut diamond, was split from the 4 corners of the diamond, and the split sections were lined with little diamonds (the ring that is pictured above; I did my best to describe it). It was exactly what Daniel and I had talked about the month before. I knew that Savannah would love it.

I paid for the ring and got in my car.

"Well Anthony," I said aloud to myself, "you have the ring. Now you have to give it to her. AND you can't chicken out. Now get your head out of your ass and figure out this whole proposal thing."

Savannah's POV

After my mom and I were done with "Writing Wednesday" we decided to watch some Netflix. I heard the front door of the apartment open and Anthony walked in. He had a nervous look on his face.

"Why so nervous baby?" I ask getting up to give him a hug.

"I'm not nervous about anything babe. Oh, hi Noelle!" he said waving at my mom who was sitting on our couch engulfed in a movie.

"Hey Anthony! How are you? Long time, no see!" She says, getting up from the couch to come give Anthony a hug.

"I'm going to run downstairs and get the mail, then we can order some Chinese food and have a movie night with my mother." I say, giving him a kiss on the cheek.

I put my flip flops on that were by the door and left the apartment.

Anthony's POV

"Noelle, come here! Hurry," I say, rummaging for the black box that held the ring in my bag.

"What is it?" Noelle asks hurrying over.

Once Noelle gets over to the table that I am standing by, I pull out the small box that contains Savannah's ring.

"Oh my god, is that..." Noelle says with her eyes bulging out of her head.

I open the box and the princess-cut diamond catches the light and shines a rainbow on the ceiling.

"That," Noelle stutters, "that is the most beautiful engagement ring that I have ever seen. Is that the one that you and Savannah designed? She was telling me about it and was going to show me the design that was drew up, but she couldn't find the drawing- now I know why she couldn't find it with the rest of her designs."

"Yeah, this is it. Do you think she will like how it turned out?" I ask with some hesitation in my voice.

"Oh, honey, she will love it. Remember it's the thought that counts." Noelle says putting a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you, Noelle, it means a lot." I embrace her in a hug.

"How are you going to propose?" Noelle asks me.

"I'm not 100% sure yet, but I kind of have an idea." I say

We heard the doorknob trying to open and I quickly shut the box and put it back in my bag.

We hear Savannah say through the door. "I forgot my key, can somebody please let me in?"

"Yeah, just a sec babe." I say running over and opening the door.  

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