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Yawning, I stood up from the chair and went to my room. Perhaps I should rest. As I went onto my bed, something caught my eye. There was rustling from outside of my window.

I squinted. "What-"

I caught a glimpse of the man outside. He had the same midnight black hair. It can't be. I ran out of my cottage before I was stopped by a bunch of men. They were dressed in uniform, probably some guards from the palace. What could they possibly want from me? How did they even find me here?

"So you were alive, I see."

I gritted my teeth, "Where's the empress?"

"There is no need for her involvement."

One of the guards grabbed my arm. "Take her!" He ordered.

I struggled to free myself from his grip but was knocked to the floor by another guard. I felt my vision become hazy as I felt a something go through the back of my chest. A bullet. They shot me. Before my vision completely blacked out, I made out the words of someone saying, "I command you all to die!"


My eyes flew open in surprise. I was on my bed in my cottage. I sat up and rubbed my forehead, "Was that just a nightmare?" My head was still spinning. I glanced at where my wound from the bullet was suppose to be, nothing was there. Then I noticed something was missing, Cheese-kun. I frantically searched for it until I saw it laying by the grass outside the door. I looked around suspiciously, feeling like I was being watched. A voice interrupted my thoughts.

"CC!" Someone called from the distance.

I looked towards the direction of the voice to see a girl in a wheelchair being pushed by a man.

"CC!" She called again.

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