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Woah geez! Thanks a lot guys! 1k reads already! I never knew random stuff like this book could be that good! Thanks for all the support! Here's your new chapter~ sorry about the slow updating. Most of my tests are over at least ;) This is still Lelouch's POV

"Suzaku." CC cut in. "Nothing will change if we don't move on from the past."

"Don't act like you understand me! You don't even know me! You don't know any of us! You don't understand what we've gone through at all!"

"Then what? Do you want to kill us, to satisfy your thirst for revenge? Our mere life is a punishment." She said, her tone as sharp as a knife. "We have to live with our sins for eternity. Haunted by things of the past, we won't forget. We'll never forget."

I knew that she had lived through one hell of a life. I would never compare to the amount of pain she had experienced. Nobody could have.

"All I've wished for was to die. I made contracts with many people, all so I could die. But all of them, all of them never killed me in the end. They never took my code, my burden. I was stuck with it. Living was pure torture, Suzaku. How can you kill us, even if you wanted to? You lack any understanding of how geass works. So let him live, he'll live forever. It's the worst punishment anyone can have, and I know that."

Suzaku sank to the floor and clutched his face. "I don't want to see anyone else suffer anymore, Lelouch! I don't want to see anyone else suffer because of your mistakes, Lelouch!"

"Suzaku," came Nunnally's voice. His head snapped over to the direction of her voice.


"I'll never forgive you if this happens again, Suzaku." She wheeled herself over to us and continued, "There's no point in hatred. It will only lead to more conflicts. I beg you, Suzaku. I understand how you feel about Euphie. She was my sister, I loved her. She always understood me, she was like a second mother to me. I don't want to see any more violence, not when we could have prevented them. Therefore, we should change the future for the better."



It had taken time, but things finally settled down a bit more after a month. Nunnally had wanted us to visit the palace again, so we came. She greeted us with her usual smile and brought us into the palace. It was one of those rare occasions where everyone would get along and act like nothing ever happened. But that wasn't true, of course. Nunnally just had her special ways of trying to light up the mood after all that happened.

"Speaking of which, when is CC's birthday?" She questioned suddenly.

I coughed out my imaginary pizza. "Me? Birthday? I don't have one, silly." I told Nunnally with a straight face.

She looked surprised at my response."Then let's make CC's birthday on Christmas! It's soon anyways!"

I raised an eyebrow in amusement. "This'll be interesting."

(A/N: I know on the wiki it says her birthday is on July, but for story's sake)

Thursday approached fast and Nunnally decided to celebrate at my cottage during the evening. It had begun to snow and I was locked in my room for a day, but supplied with pizza so I kept calm.

"Oh my...what's this?"

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted, even someone like Lelouch.

There was a cake on the table which was exactly three layers. Boxes of pizza laid by the cake and the entire room was lit up with decorative lights.

"Thank you Nunnally."

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