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There was a blinding light and Euphie disappeared. A cloaked man appeared in front of me.

"AA." Zero said.

"So AA is his name?" I spoke out loud but they didn't seem to hear.

"Did you manage to get that Britannian Knight?" AA asked.

"No. His damn girlfriend interrupted us."

"I see. She made way for him, didn't she?"


"Why are they talking like I'm not there?" I thought to myself. "What did Euphie do?"

"How's that code of yours doing?"

"Not the best. It's beginning to fade."

I realized they were talking about the geass symbol on the man's wrist. Didn't that allow immortality? CC and Lelouch had it, so how could it fade?

"We can't let any of them find out, or I will be powerless. Be careful, AA." And they both disappeared.


My eyes fluttered open in surprise. I was still underneath a pile of large debris.

"Hang on, Suzaku! I'll get you out!" I heard Lelouch yell.

"Lelouch." My voice was sharp, "I'm alive. Someone... rescued me."

Lelouch didn't say anything back to me.

"I heard Zero and AA talking about the code. He said it was going to fade."

"Fade?" Lelouch repeated as he pushed the debris off of me. "And who rescued you?"

"All my wounds have healed." I said to him, slowly standing up. "Don't worry about me."

"But how? I saw you impaled-"

"I'll explain later. For now, all you need to know is that they mentioned something about the code on AA's wrist fading, and that Zero couldn't let us know or we would be powerless."

"How do you know all of th-"

"I'll explain later! Requesting new Knightmare to Suzaku Kururugi!" I yelled into my speaker, which was surprisingly not broken yet. I shoved Lelouch out of my Knightmare which was beginning to collapse. My speaker was filled with static for a while before someone finally answered.

"We've sent, sir!"

"How is her highness doing?"

"...Good, sir! No one has attacked the palace yet, sir!"

Ignoring Lelouch, I ran towards my new Knightmare and pushed my key into the slot. "CC! Can you hear me! Over!"

"Yes," came a soft reply.

"Get Lelouch back into your Knightmare!"

"He's in. What else?"

"I have more information regarding AA's code. Zero mentioned that AA's code might fade, is this possible?"

The noise outside began to get louder.

"Fade? That's not possible. Unless his code is really fake. Maybe his bluffing was just a hoax. Maybe he doesn't have any powers that we think he has."

"Then I have the perfect idea."

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