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More weeks had passed since then. Spring had been pretty cold, but it was getting warmer as summer neared. The days grew long and tiring and nothing exciting was really happening anymore. "I think it's better if you just tell the truth." Lelouch shook his head at me. "It was pointless for you to stay alive then. I'd rather you dead." He did not answer but just looked at me blankly. "What a fool." Saying that, I stood up to leave the room.


"Keep moving down! Keep moving down!" I strolled pass some construction workers who were taking down an old building. It was some abandoned hotel built nearly a century ago between the country side and the city. It was rusty looking, but through the large windows, it seemed pretty well-decorated inside. Someone shoved pass me without acknowledging my presence and proceeded with his work. I then felt a tap on my shoulder followed by a deep voice. "Oooh my. Funny how you look almost identical to the mysterious woman in Emperor Lelouch's room."

I realized I had forgotten to put in colored contacts and was only wearing a different colored wig. "And who may you be?"

"Ah, I worked at the palace as a butler."

"A butler?" I thought to myself.

"You know of the dead emperor, do you not? But I was locked in prison for a year and a half, because I got caught plotting against the Emperor." He observed my face as if he was looking for something. "And my, you sure caught my eye. I've always remembered a woman with green hair and piercing gold eyes. She wandered through the palace aimlessly. No one in the palace has seen her but I have. Are you related to her by any chance?"

"No. I think you're mistaken. I have no connection to whoever you are referring to. We had an interesting chat, but I should leave now." I picked my purse up from the ground, which had fallen after someone had bumped into me.

"Lying is no good. Nice chat anyways."

I quickened my pace and headed towards the nearby boutique which was flooded with customers. Through the corner of my eye, I saw his silhouette waiting by the corner of the street near the boutique. He was following me. An hour passed. Two hours. Three hours. I roamed around the place, making sure the man left before I went out again. I walked over to the door to check but he was still standing in the same spot. Clenching my teeth in disgust, I decided to just leave. As soon as I came out of the boutique I noticed the man was someone else.

"I could've sworn I saw him over there before." I said to myself, squeezing my purse tightly.


I turned my attention to the person standing in front of me. A young woman dressed in a maid's uniform was carrying a bunch of grocery bags. She smiled at me, "It's nice meeting you out here."

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