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I'm losing my mind. I'm going mentally insane. Has Lelouch's death impacted me this much? That it's causing me to see him everywhere, when he's supposed to be dead?

"It's just another illusion." I told myself, closing my eyes.


"You're supposed to be dead." My words sounded colder than ice. "You're not Lelouch, are you?" Why am I even talking to him?

"CC, my death.. I cheated it."

"You're not real." I said out loud, staring at the mask on the ground. "You're not real."

There it was. The geass symbol, imprinted on his hand. Everything seemed to fall into place, all at once. It was during that time, wasn't it? When we had encountered Charles and Marianne. Where I had almost died.


There was a long pause before he finally answered. "I suppose I let my selfish desires get the best of me."

I understood what he meant perfectly. I had been selfish, many many times. More than I could even count. It was just the nature of humankind.

"I didn't want to die. I know, I was a coward. I should have died." He continued. "But I just couldn't. I couldn't die because of you. I knew that I hadn't fulfilled your wish. Your wish to be loved, not to die. I didn't want to leave you alone."

My eyes widened at his words.

"Forgive me, CC."

"CC! Where are you?! CC!" It was Nunnally and Suzaku. They were searching for me.

"Lelouch, I-" But there was no one there anymore. He was gone.

"CC!" Suzaku ran over to me and tried to help me up from the ground. I felt myself collapse into his arms from the shock. Lelouch was alive? All this time?

"CC! Answer me!" Suzaku's voice brought me back to reality.

"I'm fine, Suzaku."

He looked at me angrily.

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