Valentine's Day Special ❤️

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Just a short little Drabble for Valentine's ❤️


It was a sunny day at Ashford Academy. Girls running around the school kitchen, making chocolates for their crush. As usual, Lelouch Lamperouge had a huge pile dumped on his desk. He sighed and put them into a huge bag. Guess he would just share them with Nunnally or something later. Shirley was bubbling around him, trying to start a conversation with him but was too nervous.

"Oh my! Is that a transfer student!" Several students exclaimed.

CC smirked at the class, wearing the signature Ashford Academy uniform. No one would suspect anything anyways. She looked beyond young for her age because of her immortality. Her green hair was very unique and everyone began fussing over her. Her hair was tied by a white ribbon into a low ponytail. Pretty legit for a high schooler.

Lelouch grabbed her by the wrist and dragged her into the empty hallway. "What in the world are you doing here?!" He shouted at her.

"I got bored." She mused and flipped back a lock of her hair. "I wanted to try using the school kitchen to make chocolates or something. I mean pizza actually. That's better."

Lelouch mentally facepalmed and waved her off like a mosquito.

"Oooh! Talking to the transfer student already!" Milly exclaimed from behind him. "You go, Lelouch! Stealing all the ladies hearts already, what a thief!"

"Shut up, Milly. She was just asking me where the school kitchen was."

Shirley sighed and erased her name from the chocolate wrapper. She decided to just give it to Lelouch anonymously.


Lelouch wandered around the school out of boredom. During Valentine's Day, the whole school was basically free to do anything. There were Valentine's Day related events going on, and the school had quite a number of visitors.
There was a loud noise coming from the end of the hall. Turns out, it was CC being fussed over for her green hair and piercing golden eyes. Males around the school were fawning over her like some goddess. CC stared at all of them in confusion and was overwhelmed by the amount of chocolates she was receiving. Probably double the amount Lelouch had received, even though he was already the heart throb of the school. Lelouch felt himself get angry for no reason and approached them.

"If you buy me pizza, I'll consider dating you." CC said to a boy with dark blue hair and smirked.

"Pizza?! Really that's it!?" Yep they were about to fall for her trap.

She nodded as the boy's dashed off to make pizza for her. "Ah, Lelouch. Didn't see you standing there." She looked at him casually.

"What are you doing?" He glared at her. "You're supposed to be in my room not in school."

"I got bored, like I said. I made some chocolate, at least. Everyone there was willing to help me out."

Lelouch rolled his eyes and grabbed her by the wrist. "We're going back up."

"But wait, the pizz-"

"Enough about the pizza and chocolates! This is making me sick!" He yelled.

CC raised an eyebrow in amusement. "You're jealous, aren't you?"

"Huh? Why would I be jealous?!"

"Because I'm getting more attention than you." She grinned at him.

"No! Not at all!" He shouted and stormed off, sort of disappointed.

Shirley's box of chocolates dropped to the floor.
"She was- she was supposed to be in his room.....?"


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