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No one's POV

Zero laughed amusingly as he watched Lelouch struggle from his grip.

"I think I've had enough fun for the day." He turned towards a cloaked man that was standing a few feet from him. "We'll meet again shortly." Zero's voice echoed through the room. With a swing of his cape, they disappeared without a trace.

"Let's get to Nunnally...I can't let any of them get hurt. I need to warn them about Zero."


"I want to tell you about Zero. We don't know what kind of geass he has. But he claims it to be very dangerous." Lelouch explained. "All I'm asking is that you upgrade security here, Nunnally."

Suzaku stood up, "I'll lead the way. There are new knightmares being made currently, it's best if we start using them."

CC and Lelouch were then left alone. Lelouch watched as CC observed the inside of the Knightmare. She sat down in the pilot seat and played around unamusingly with the buttons.
"What do you think?" She looked at Lelouch.

"I don't know." He said and took a deep breath. "We don't have any leads on Zero nor the man with him."

"His Code name is AA. And I saw his geass symbol, it's on his wrist."

"So he's an immortal then."

"I'm afraid so."

"You said that he wanted you to tell him how to gain a code, didn't you?"

"Yes but it'll fall into the wrong hands."

"So he wants the secret to gaining a code..for immortality.. And he knows that you have the answer to that.. which means his partner doesn't know either? But that doesn't make any sense."

"Hmm.." CC tapped finger on the button repeatedly. "Then...what if his code is a fake?"

"Fake? But you clearly saw his geass symbol."

"I know. It's just a thought." She replied. "Now let's stop talking and start practicing. We're running out of time."

"And someone must be watching us, for him to know where we are constantly." Lelouch states. "There might be someone working for us, that is working for him. But who?"

"Lelouch, I'm not going to ask again."

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