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"Lelouch, stop!" Suzaku's voice roared over the interior of the Knightmare. The ground shook a bit as bullets were being launched.

"Move out of the way!" Lelouch yelled. His anger was taking over making him act impulsively. Their Knightmares made a loud screeching sound as they collided, with Suzaku attempting to stop Lelouch's destruction. "CC, move this bastard out of the way!" His geass activated. Lelouch tore the seat belt holding him into place apart and rushed over to CC. "I'll take over! We need to beat Zero!" He yelled, furiously. He opened up the wings of the Knightmare. Suddenly, a loud bang was heard from the front. It sounded like a giant piece of metal hitting another. Lelouch looked at the front window. His best friend's white Knightmare had been destroyed completely. "SUZAKU!" He had shielded CC's Knightmare from being hit with one of A2's weapons. "SUZAKU! SUZAKU KURURUGI! ARE YOU WITH ME?!" He screamed into the speaker.

There was no reply. Giant metal debris was covering his Knightmare and the speaker was filled with static.

Suzaku's POV

"Am I floating? My body feels so light."

"Suzaku...." a soft voice rang through my ears. It sounded awfully familiar. "Lelouch....he killed me. He killed me, Suzaku."

"What? Euphie?!" I cried, choking as I opened my eyes. "How am I- How are you-"

"Suzaku, don't you realize? Lelouch killed me. Yet you protected him with your own life." Her face was covered by her hair. Pictures of her shooting the Japanese, blood staining her pink dress.

"It was an accident, Suzaku." Lelouch appeared.

"I'll never forgive you." It was my own voice. What I had said to Lelouch, the friend I've been with through my entire childhood.

"Forgiveness is best." Nunnally's violet eyes shimmered with delight.

"Nothing will change if we don't face reality."

"Suzaku!" I heard Euphie cry.

"Euphie!" My hands darted around the empty space before I felt warmness enveloping my body.

A whisper. "Your best friend was a killler."

I immediately recognized it as Zero's voice.
I could finally stand up and face the man. "Your voice makes me sick. Shut up and tell me where the hell you took me."

"Ah. My friend, you're technically dead in a sense. Such a shame. Out of all people, you protected a friend who was a killer. The killer of your loved one."

"All the Japanese must die!" Euphemia's hysterical laughter died out and a machine gun was heard. She laughed as she shot the innocent people. "Suzaku, save me....."

Lelouch appeared behind me with a smug grin.

"Y-You bastard!!!! I'll never forgive you for killing Euphie!" A sword appeared in my hand as I ran forward, trying to strike him down. The sword simply went through Lelouch's ghost-like body. I swung the sword with all my strength. "How could I forgive you?!"

A hand was placed on my shoulder. "Say, how about you join my side? We can defeat Lelouch Vi Britannia together. Someone such as yourself is honorable. I consider you a Britannian, Kururugi."

"Kill...Lelouch? But I-"

"Suzaku!" I saw Euphie again, her long pink hair flowing with the wind. She looked at me with her warm, beautiful, violet colored eyes. We were suddenly at a garden full of flowers. She cupped my face, "Suzaku, you're wrong. That isn't me.. I have faith in Lelouch. No one is perfect, each and every one of us have our flaws. Please, I ask of you, protect Lelouch, Nunnally, Anya...everyone." She brushed my tears away with her thumbs and took my hand. "He is only manipulating you. Suzaku, I am dead. There is no point in dwelling on the past. Lelouch, he is my precious brother. So, please."


"Thank you, Suzaku."

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