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Lelouch's POV

"Suzaku." Nunnally's hand rested on Suzaku's. She shook her head.

"I'm sorry, Suzaku. You have every right to hold hatred towards me."

He looked away from me in anger.

"Right now, we should just worry about finding CC." Nunnally reminded. "She's in more danger than any of us."



"It's quite simple. I'll just toss you into a pit of fire, and watch you burn. I'll make sure to burn those words out of your mouth." He laughed darkly. "But of course, it's pretty easy for you to keep your mouth shut no matter what, isn't it?"

"So you were looking for something."

"Yes. And no." His eyes glimmered in delight. "I asked you plenty of times before on how to transfer codes." He pushed my bangs up, revealing the bird symbol on my forehead. "This, I want this. The code of immortality. You've always wanted to die, correct?"

"..That was the past."

"Then I'll have to do it the hard way." The floor tile I was sitting on opened up and there was a blazing fire below me. I watched in shock as he untied the rope that kept me against the wall. My hands and feet began to bleed because of the rope rubbing against my skin so harshly. I held in my tears. I have been through this many many times. There's no reason to freak out now.

"Have fun!" Zero shouted as I dropped into the blazing fire.

I tried to hold in my scream when my body touched the fire. It hurt, it hurt very badly. I felt my skin burning off and saw it turn into ash. It was a second before both my legs and arms could burn off before some water sprinkled on the fire. The fire died afterwards. I sat there with dried up tears still on my face. "What is wrong with me? I've been through this so many times. Did my heart really soften ever since I met Lelouch...?" I began to think of words I would never usually say.

Lelouch's POV

"CC!" I shouted.

She was on the very bottom of the floor and smoke was still rising from below. "Lelouch...."

"What did you do to her?!" I yelled at him angrily. I activated my geass unintentionally.

"Nothing much. Just had a little fun with her that's all." He replied. "I tossed her down in a pit of fire because I was just curious to see what her reaction would be. And because she wouldn't tell me." He laughed.

"Who the hell are you? How did you know about us?!"

"You'll find out the answer very soon, Lelouch Lamperouge."

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