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The snow wasn't too much. Otherwise, Suzaku wouldn't have allowed Nunnally to make cranes outside together. "How many have you made so far?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"I think about 900 paper cranes. Well you know, I've been making paper cranes for a really long time now." She said. "Oh that reminds me, don't you have a wish?"

I thought about what to say for a while. "Pizza." I replied. "My wish is to eat 100 boxes of pizza a day."

She laughed, "Maybe if you make a thousand cranes, it'll happen."

I chuckled, "I don't really think so. Thanks for the suggestion though, Nunnally."

"There. 910 cranes." She placed 10 multicolored origami cranes on the table.

"You're getting closer."

She nodded a bit, seemingly surprised at herself for being able to make so many paper cranes.

Standing up and brushing some snow off my clothes, I said, "We should go inside. It's starting to get cold."

Nunnally picked up her jar of paper cranes and set it in her lap. I began to push her wheel chair towards my cottage before a strange man lept out of nowhere. He stumbled a bit but regained his composure fairly quickly. There was a black mask covering his entire face, which made me wonder how he was even able to see us.

I quickly stood in front of Nunnally, "What do you want? If you plan on killing us here, it's a bad idea." I said to the man, my voice sharp.

The man did not respond but pulled a gun swiftly out of his pocket and pointed it at us.

"Suzaku!" The stranger was suddenly behind me, covering my mouth with his hand. His grip was strong and I felt I would suffocate.

"CC!" Nunnally cried loudly. "CC!"

There was a smell. A strange smell. It seemed to becoming from the cloth he was holding over my mouth. My muscles relaxed and I felt my feet being dragged on the ground. That was the last thing I remembered.


Slowly opening my eyes, I surveyed the area around me. It looked like I was in the middle of a forest, probably still close to my cottage. I tried to move but my body felt weak. My arms ached. I wonder how long I was here for. Lying beside me was the same mask on that man. I could hear soft panting coming from behind me. "Who are you?" I asked, making my voice as neutral as possible.

"Do you really not know?" The man sighed.

"Lelouch." The voices in my head told me. No, that's not possible.


"Same as ever." Standing in front of me was the very same man from a year ago, his appearance still the same. Midnight black hair. Violet eyes. Delicate frame.

Lelouch Lamperouge.

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