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"Sayoko?" I asked, remembering the woman that used to work for Lelouch and Nunnally.

"I'm glad you still remember me, miss."

"It really has been a while." I admitted.

She nodded in agreement, "I have a few days off because I am a bit sick. Do you mind spending some time together for a while?"

"Not at all." Since when was I so polite? I laughed to myself at the thought. We sat down at a local coffee shop and watched as she ordered a bunch of food but sadly, no pizza. There was silence between us as we waited for our food to come. She took out pieces of paper which seemed to be a list of grocery items and checked off some of the boxes. I reached up to my hair and fixed a few strands sticking out of my head. The waiter set down our drinks and some desserts before leaving to take the order of the next table.

"How have you been?" She looked up at me with a small smile.

"Fine. Did you wish to speak to me about something?"

"Oh, no. I just figured we could talk a bit if you have some time on your hands. How is he doing?"

Noticing her emphasis on the word "he", I knew she was referring to Lelouch. "He's fine."

"I see." She picked up her cup of coffee and took a few sips before setting it down again. "You aren't going to eat?"

"Not if it isn't pizza."

She nodded understandingly before continuing, "Her Highness has been having nightmares for a year now. She isn't sleeping very well."

"Suzaku hasn't mentioned anything about this." I noted to myself.

"Sorry to hear." I replied.

"I was just wondering, if you mentioned anything about him to her highness."

"Not anything that involves him being alive. He wouldn't like that anyways."

After a while of more chatting, we bid our farewells.

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