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Lelouch's POV

In the blink of an eye, a few weeks had already passed. I had been staying at CC's cottage, but sometimes the place would be too much for me. It was fairly small in size, considering how big my dorm used to be. I stopped in front of a familiar place, noting that it had changed quite a bit from the last 2 years. With nothing better to do, a familiar habit of mine took over as I entered the building. The building was crowded, with many girls dressed as bunnies running around with trays in their hands. Men were gathered around a table gambling all of their money away. They all acted incredibly stupid, each throwing insults at each other. I walked further in and there were men in the corner playing a game of chess.

"Care for me to join?" I asked, waving my hundred dollar bill in the air.

They looked up at me, "Why not? If you think you can beat me, the king of Chess." The guy in front of me boasted.

I sat down in the couch across from him and placed $100 on the table. He placed $500 confidently and we began the chess game.

The other man laid back in his couch with a huge smirk on his face, "You're going to lose, kid."

I grinned and made my move with the King after we both had tied, by losing 3 of our pieces to the opponent.

"Ho? You're really dumb to start with your King. Are you sure you're right for this place?" He said, making his next move and laughed.

Moving swiftly, I picked up the king, "And Checkmate." I said with a grin.

"What! H-How?! That's impossible!"

I took the $600, "That makes me the King of Chess now. Well played, sir." I stood up to leave before he grabbed me.

"Damn you for messing with me!"

"Looks like I pissed them off again. Just like old times." I smiled to myself.

He pulled out a gun and aimed it at my chest. A splash of water went on his face.

"Ah, I'm terribly sorry sir. I'll clean you up right awa-"

"Shut up, you little-!" The guy kicked her out of the way. "How dare you disgrace me?!"

The girl coughed out some blood.

"You'll pay for this, girl!"

The guy shot her a few times. She didn't even wince.

"Now for you." He said and pointed his gun at me. "Why don't you show us your damn face, first?"

I clenched my teeth in disgust, was the girl dead already?

"Men, take off his mask!"

His men lunged at me and I felt my heart rate go up. Still staring at the girl on the floor, my anger had already reached its limit. How dare he kill innocent people. I activated my geass, "I command you all to die!"

"Happily." The men replied, a red ring around their irises and shot themselves before collapsing to the floor.

I rushed over to the woman and picked her up, resting her body on my arms. Blood was rapidly gushing out of her wound. I was about to shout for help before a hand stopped me.

"There's no need." She sat herself up and pulled her wig down. Her long green hair falling back onto her shoulders. "I knew you would be here." Her gaze locked with mine.

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