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"CC, you really can't stay here any longer."

I shook my head. "It's fine. I'll manage."

"No you won't. Ever since that incident with the guards, many people have been going after you."

"So all this time, people were hunting for me?" I smirked, surprised that people would go that far. "Seems they really hated us, didn't they?"

"I can't stand to see you being hurt." Nunnally interrupted. "So I beg of you."

"I'll manage, Nunnally. There's no where else for me to go anyway. No matter where, someone will find me eventually."

"Whatever you want. Nunnally, let's go. We can't stay here too long."

I gave Nunnally a reassuring smile before Suzaku wheeled her out of my cottage.

Lelouch's POV

"CC." I said, knocking on her door. It had been a week since I had seen her.

There was no answer. I waited outside her door impatiently, expecting her to open up the door any minute now.

"Lelouch," a voice came from behind me. She was carrying several pizza boxes and had on a different colored wig. I stared at her, not knowing what to say. Now that she was right in front of me, I couldn't stay calm. There was too much to say. I didn't know how to put it in words.

"I-uh- How's Nunnally?"

"She's doing well." She replied simply, her gaze focused on the geass symbol on my hand. She brushed pass me like a stranger and unlocked the door to her cottage. I watched silently as she flicked on the lights and set her pizza boxes down on the table.

"Well?" She looked at me from the door. "Aren't you going to explain?"


She didn't say anything after I was done explaining. She continued eating her pizza with no expression. The clock was ticking away in the back of the room. As if the weather was trying to match my mood, it began to rain as I patiently waited for CC to say something. Anything.





"Jeremiah and Anya know that you're alive?"


"Why didn't you say anything about a code? And you didn't make any contact with me for a year. Why is that?" She looked at me with genuine anger. It was rare to see her showing any sign of emotion, but I could tell.

"...I just thought it be best if I waited." I answered, running my fingers across the bird-shaped symbol on my hand.

"And why is that?"

"CC, I can't let anyone else find out. They'll never forgive me."

Her gold eyes observed my every movement, "I never knew my warlock was such a coward."

"I've been a coward many times."

"And? What now? Lelouch, tell me. What now?"

"...As long as I am alive, our contract still continues. Isn't that what you told me?"

"...I suppose so."

"Then, do you forgive me?"

"It would be hard not to, anyways." I saw a tiny smile from her lips. "Even if I didn't, you would make me."

"..You know me too well. Thank you, for giving me a second chance."

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