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We stepped inside a carriage. Lelouch handed the driver some money as we sat down and got settled. The horses began galloping and the carriage rattled. The roads seemed endless, and the heat wasn't making it any better. Glancing over at Lelouch who was sleeping beside me, I decided to let myself doze off for a bit. It had been too long since I had actually slept anyway.


"We're here, Miss." The driver's voice woke me.  It had already been 2 hours since we had left my cottage.


He slowly opened his eyes, "We're here already?"

"Yes." I replied and stepped out of the carriage. He yawned and followed after me. As we approached the gate of the orange farm, he took out a key and unlocked the gate. There was a click sound and the gate opened easily.

"My lord." A voice greeted us.

Lelouch and I turned our attention to the voice.
"Ah Jeremiah."

Jeremiah knelt down, "It's a pleasure to see you again, my lord and Miss CC."

"I'm not the emperor anymore so you can cut the formalities."

Jeremiah stood up and nodded, "But I'm afraid that's too hard of a habit to change, my lord."

"Where's Anya?"

I raised an eyebrow, "Anya?"

"Hello." Anya said as she approached us while holding a basket of oranges.

"We can have some tea by the lake, my lord, Miss CC." Jeremiah led us to a garden by a lake. There was an elegant white table and an umbrella to shade the sun.

"Please have a seat. I will go bring some tea."

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