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I coughed, trying to get air into my lungs as soon as possible. A cloth was covered tightly around my mouth and eyes so that I couldn't speak or see. There was also a rope tying my hand and feet to a pole.

I heard footsteps approaching me. "You're awake?"

I didn't respond so he ripped the cloth off my eyes and I could see who it was. The fake Zero in his disguise chuckled a bit when he saw my surprised reaction.

"Who are you?" I asked, making my voice as loud as possible, causing it to echo around the room.

He walked closer to me and bent down, so that his face was right in front of mine. "You wouldn't know me, even if I told you." He whispered.

I glared at him, "Who gave you geass?"

He stood up and reached for a controller on a table next to me. "Let's play a little game, shall we, CC? A game of... say... the floor is lava, our traditional children's game. How about it?"

"You do whatever you want, see if I care." I spat. "If you're doing this to get information out of me, nothing will work."

"Don't jump to conclusions too quick, my dear. I never said anything about wanting information."

"It's written all over your face."

He laughed, "Rumors say that you're a stone queen, but you seem very amusing to me. Why is it that you make no reactions to anything? Something troubling you?"

"That's none of your business, is it?"

"You're too funny, CC."


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