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There was a knock on the cottage. Suzaku opened it. Jeremiah was standing by the door with Anya.


Anya turned on the tv, and went to the news channel.

The reporter lady was speaking. "We had just spotted the infamous Zero from one year ago."

There was a picture of Zero standing on top of a building and firing everywhere.

Nunnally gasped. "B-But!"

Everyone looked shocked for a moment before Suzaku cut in, "He- how does he have our Zero-"

"Did he....steal it from the palace?" Nunnally whispered.

"And none of the guards found out?! That's absurd!" Suzaku argued.

"Hear me, citizens of Japan!" Zero spoke from the tv. "I am Zero! This time, with a different goal. It's to bring Empress Nunnally off the throne! And bring the mighty empire, Britannia back! All hail Britannia! All hail Britannia! All hail Britannia!"

"And what about Empress Nunnally? She could get hurt. We need to stay guard on all times." Anya said.

"But we have to figure out who it is, otherwise we'll never be able to track him down."

"Jeremiah, any suspects?"

Jeremiah shook his head. "No, my lord."


Crack! Crack!

"I hear gunfire." I said, looking around to see if it was close by.

"I know that. Now shush. We're going to find out who is behind that Zero-"

Lelouch and I were surrounded by a bunch of people and they were pointing their guns at us.

"Well, well. Look what we have here. Why if it isn't CC." Zero came from behind.

The people behind me pulled off my wig and contacts.

"How do you know me?"

"How wouldn't I?"

Lelouch gritted his teeth. "What do you want from us?" He snapped.

"Nothing. Don't worry. I'll just borrow your friend here for a minute. See you again, soon. Very soon." Zero chuckled and disappeared along with me and his men.

Back at the palace...

Lelouch's POV

I paced around the palace.

"Zero took CC?! That's...That's..." Nunnally stopped speaking and took a deep breath. "Okay. I am not going to panic. I am the Empress of Britannia. I need to stay calm."

"And I can't use my geass on him if he has that Zero mask covering his face. I can't even tell who it is by voice because his voice doesn't sound familiar at all." I sat down on a fancy red couch and laid back. "He might have geass, though I'm not sure if that's true yet."

Suzaku raised his eyebrows. "He has geass? But  you and CC are the only ones who have a code...meaning only the both of you could give geass to others...right..?" He closed his eyes, making it seem like he was deep in thought. "And you would never give geass to anyone. Would you?"

"No. I wouldn't." I quickly replied. "That's unnecessary for me to do."

"How do I know we can trust you?"

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