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Dear all readers,

I am soooo sorry to disappoint you! I watched Code Geass many years back and have lost interest in it a long time ago. Since then, I've gotten much busier with school and didn't update much unless I was on break. I forced myself to try to continue from where I left off and I've finally given up now lol. It's just I've lost interest in it so long ago that I forgot the rest of the plot I was intending to write for this book. I didn't even know this many people were going to read it, but I'm happy about that. Therefore, this is going to be the last chapter. I'll finish the book for you guys but I'm going to skip to where the battle ends lol. Enjoy the last chapter of this book! Make sure to read all the way to the end of this chapter since there's more explaining!

Lelouch's POV

Everything had happened because of one simple lie that I had left engraved into this world of ours. I was supposed to be dead, not alive. I was supposed to be watching my loved ones from the depths of hell, if I was even worthy enough to be put in hell. I thought my mere existence was a disgrace. I didn't deserve to be alive. The sound of footsteps—delicate and smooth—made its way toward me.






Ah, it was my witch. Her face was filled with worry when she peered down on me. Was I that badly injured? She looked as if someone just tossed ten boxes of pizza into a giant lake, and she would not ever be able to find them again.

"I'm fine." I assured. "Despite being crushed by a ginormous piece of metal."

Her fingers—covered in blood—touched my forehead gently after she heard my voice. "Did you see who it was?" She asked.

"Yeah, I did."

"Who was it?"

"...Would you believe me if I told you?"

"What makes you think I wouldn't?" She answered and looked around, trying to find any trace of Zero's Knightmare.

I clutched my head, feeling nauseous again at the thought of it. "CC, this whole time...this entire time...Zero was—he was Suzaku!" Her face mirrored mine after she processed the words that came out of my mouth.

"Ha!" I choked and began laughing like a maniac. "That's funny, don't you think? This whole time, it had been Suzaku under that mask, and I didn't even notice!" Part of me wanted to believe it was a lie, but I knew it wasn't. It was him, alright. He had the same brown hair and green eyes, except his bangs were parted to the right when he was Zero. His voice was also much deeper, compared to when he was himself.

"I get it now, Lelouch." She helped me back onto my feet as soon as she noticed my wounds healing themselves.

"Get what? Nothing makes sense." I spat.

She put her arms around me to give me support and shushed me. "You've heard of Dissociative identity disorder, haven't you? Suzaku must have developed split personalities from trauma when you died and when Euphie died. I'm not entirely sure if that's the case, but it seems so. His case must have been so severe—to the point where he had an altered appearance and voice—that none of us could have picked up. It makes sense if you think about it. You were the one who gave him another identity as Zero, don't forget."

"...You're right. I never deserved to live."

Third Person POV


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