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Sayoko came out of the room after what felt like an endless eternity of silence.

"Her highness asks you to take them to her."

Suzaku merely nodded and brought us to her room. He opened up the door and Nunnally's back was facing us.

"..Nunnally." CC began.

"Don't worry I'm not mad." She turned around to look at us. "There's no reason to be." She picked up her jar filled with paper cranes, "Seems like my wish already came true."

CC's eyes widened a bit at the jar of cranes Nunnally was holding.

"It took me some time to think about how to react to this but I figured it out. Forgiveness is best."

Lelouch felt his vision being blurred by his tears. They were flowing freely, out of perhaps joy, or relief. "Nunnally I-"

"I'm just..happy. Happy you're alive. You don't understand how much you mean to me." She took my hand and squeezed it tightly. She gestured for Suzaku, and took his hand. His hands were trembling with anger.

"It's okay. Everything will be fine." She reassured him.


Suzaku escorted CC and I outside of Nunnally's room after all the talk. The atmosphere was still tense. As we neared the door, I felt a sharp blade against my neck. "Suzaku!" My voice echoed through the halls.

"Did you really think I would happily forgive you after what you've done to Shirley and Euphemia?" He whispered in my ear. "You've dragged so much innocent people into your mess. You even continued to be a liar after the zero requiem. I thought you were really willing to give your life up for all the things you've done. I actually started believing that everything you did had good intentions."

"Did Nunnally order you to do this?!" I yelled at him. I knew I didn't deserve to. I knew I didn't deserve Nunnally's forgiveness. I didn't deserve anything.

"No. I'm doing this from my own will. I will never forgive what you have done, especially to Euphie!"

"I didn't want to kill Euphie! It was an accident!" I blurted out in defense.

"How is that an accident?! Killing someone is an accident?!!"

"It was a really stupid accident..I was horrible to joke about killing the Japanese...My geass went out of hand and I accidentally ordered her to do it...but if you're trying to kill me that won't happen. This is pointless." I tried to reason with my former best friend.

Suzaku grabbed the collar of my shirt, "You accidentally ordered her to do it? How stupid can you be?" He began to shed tears, "I loved Euphie you know...she had a good heart..besides you, she was the only other person who respected me..even though I was an eleven... she treated everyone so gently...yet...she still-"

"Suzaku... I loved Eupie too. I'm sorry..."

"Answer me. Why did you decide to live?"

"Because I made a contract with CC."

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