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Lelouch's POV

"I'm going to test my combat styles now." CC said and activated the Knightmare with the key.

I nearly tripped over myself when the Knightmare activated.

"Hmm...the wings. Oh here's the button." CC pressed it and the robotic wings behind the Knightmare opened. Equipping a sword to the Knightmare, she sliced one of the target boards in half using the Knightmare. "Oh. That's how you do it." She picked up her weapon speed and sliced the target board in 8 equal pieces, in less than a second. "I'd cut my pizza like that." She said in satisfaction.

I mentally facepalmed. Again with the damn pizza. I sighed and sat down next to her after a while of "practicing". Suzaku brought in a glass of water. "Your combat has improved significantly since we last fought a year ago."

"I've been practicing, y'know."


I whipped out my phone and dialed Jeremiah's number.

"Yes, my lord." Jeremiah's voice came through the phone.

"Jeremiah! Come to my location as fast as possible with Anya."

"Yes, my lord. I've found your location. Should I contact Kururugi as well?"

"Please." I answered.

Things were happening rapidly. Nunnally had been already attacked but thankfully she wasn't hurt. Zero made his appearance at Tokyo Tower. It was now or never.

A fancy car pulled up near me and CC on the road. "My lord!" Jeremiah yelled and ran out of the car.

Anya slowly followed him out and shut the door. Moments later, a motorcycle came racing to their spot. Suzaku turned off his motorcycle and took off his helmet.

"We have access to the Knightmares whenever we need, Lelouch." Suzaku reminded.

"Jeremiah, track Zero's location."

The device he was holding started beeping and showed a red line, indicating where Zero was headed from Tokyo Tower. Everyone settled in the car and Jeremiah began driving.

Anya wiped her skirt. "You're getting pizza sauce on me."

"I'll buy you a new skirt another time." CC replied, continuing to eat her pizza.

No one's POV

CC and Anya were sitting in the passenger seat. Lelouch was up front with Jeremiah while Suzaku following behind on his motorcycle.

Anya rested her chin on her hand. "You don't have any money though."

"With Lelouch's credit card, of course." CC smirked.

Lelouch grunted at CC's statement and looked at the front window with a frown. A bullet from a Knightmare flew our way as Jeremiah quickly moved and hit the rails on the side of the road. The car screeched to a halt.

"Requesting backup!" Suzaku yelled into his headset.

"Yes sir!" A voice replied.

Overhead, several Knightmares were seen flying to their location. They landed in front of the car and Suzaku jumped off his motorcycle. He got into his Knightmare which was more updated and new. Jeremiah yelled at them to get out of the car and one push of a button allowed the car to transform into a Knightmare.

"Lelouch use your geass." CC commanded, grabbing his hand as they ran to their Knightmare. Zero's laughter echoed through the highway. An unseen model of the Knightmare was being controlled by Zero. Lelouch activated his geass and the words 'Geass Connected' were heard from the Knightmare's voice system. CC pushed locks of green hair behind her ear and proceeded in controlling the Knightmare's movement. Zero's Knightmare turned into a cannon and fired at their Knightmares.

"Time to test out my skills!" CC smirked and sliced the cannon into 10 different pieces.

"Heh. Just a decoy!"

Another smaller bomb came out from the cannon and exploded in mid air. "A smoke bomb!" Jeremiah and Anya shouted at the same time. Pink gas was spread everywhere and attached themselves on the windows of the Knightmare. "I can't see anything! Damn it!"

"NOT SO FAST!" A white Knightmare charged through the pink gas and headed right at Zero's Knightmare with a gold sword. Suzaku grinned. "Your Knightmare isn't made for close combat is it?!"

Zero desperately tried to move out of the way. But then, Suzaku's sword was blocked by another Knightmare which was pitch black in color. There was a silver sword equipped with it.

Lelouch looked around at the buttons. "There should be a cleaning system."

"Ah there." She pressed the blue button and the window was instantly cleared. "Where's everyone else?"

"Seems they figured out which button it was faster than us." Lelouch sighed. "You're too slow is all."

CC smiled a little. "Whatever you say, Warlock." She opened up the wings of the Knightmare. Lelouch pulled the switch and their Knightmare flew behind Zero's.

"This little-!" Suzaku gritted his teeth and tried to force his way through the mysterious black Knightmare. Zero flew his Knightmare higher into the sky and targeted CC's Knightmare.
While Suzaku and the others were desperately trying to fend off the other Knightmare, CC went after Zero.

"My lord! This isn't good! My Knightmare has been deactivated!" came Jeremiah's voice.

"Trying to win a game of chess, I see? Nice try, Lelouch vi Britannia!"

Civilians were running and screaming, while waving their arms around as if they were waiting for a hero to swoop in and rescue every one of them. Poles were being knocked over and the scene was a massive pile of debris.

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