Chapter 1: Unexpected

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~Your POV~

I could never remember my family. Never. Not a single thing.

General Leia told me it was because of how little I was; too young to remember.

She says she found me as an infant in the ruins of some palace on a planet far away from here. She took me in and treated me as a daughter of sorts. She already had a kid, a son. A boy who became my best friend.

Ben Solo and I  have been friends since I can remember. He knew my secrets, for we could never keep any from each other; we both could just tell if the other was.

"What are you doing?" Ben's voice brings me back to reality.

"Concentrating," I mumble, trying to cover up any of my thoughts.

He leans against the wall of the Command room. "Really? About what?"

I smirk, "Not about you, nerf herder."

He frowns, "Hey!"

I couldn't help but laugh. He just rolls his eyes.

"You know," he begins, "for an 18-year-old, you're quite immature."

"For a 22-year-old, you're quite annoying," I laugh.

He leans over and messed up my (H/C) hair. "Yeah, but I can at least pull it off."

Just then, a guy with dark hair in a bright orange jumpsuit walls into the room. Poe Dameron, one of the best pilots I've ever known.

"Ben, (Y/N), the General wants to see you," he says. "Seemed urgent."

We follow him down a few corridors into General Leia's sitting room. It's cozy looking: red velvet couches and red curtains that hung on golden rods over huge windows overlooking a lake.

The General was dressed in a lovely, floor-length green gown, her graying, dark hair in a series of braids on top of her head. She turns and smiles as she sees us. Her smile faded as she set her eyes on me.

"Poe, I asked for Ben," she sighs. "(Y/N), if you could please step out, I'd appreciate it."

"Yes, General," I respond. Ben looks at me, and I give him a reassuring nod. I follow Poe out into the hallway and the door closes behind us. "Have any idea what she needed him about?"

"Nope," Poe shrugged. "I tried to overhear what she and Han were talking about before hand, but I couldn't exactly hear anything."

I sigh, "Well, I hope it's nothing bad."

"(Y/N), you always worry too much," he replies.

"Well, in case you didn't know, Poe," I smirk. "It's my job to worry over you and Ben."

He smiled. "Of course."


It had been an hour since Ben went in to talk with General Leia. Poe had left for some piloting excersizes, so I was left alone in the hallway. I patiently waited for Ben, though I was getting a bit worried.

The doors opened abrubtly, Ben storming out with a angry look in his eyes. He walked past me without acknowledging me.

I look at Leia, who stood at the doors, a sad expression in her eyes. I immediately followed Ben.

"Ben, wait!" I called after him. He ignored me, of course. Typical angry Ben.

He pushed open the doors of a balcony that looked over the forest surrounding the lake. Walking over to the edge, he gripped the railing, his knuckles whitening.

"Ben, what is it?" I ask, slowly walk towards him.

"I'm leaving in a year," he whispers so low I barely hear him. "They're sending me away to my Uncle."

"Why?" I say, shocked.

"They said that my...powers... Have gotten a bit out of hand," he sighs. He looks at me. His dark eyes find mine. "They're sending me away so that my Uncle can train me to become a Jedi, like him and my grandfather."

"Do you want to go?" My voice was small, barely audiable, but he heard me because he shook his head.

"Of course not," he says. "That means I'd be leaving you."

I look at him. His dark hair was cut short, just like his father's. His eyes were mesmerizing, a dark brown or black, depending on the lighting. He was my best friend, but for the longest time I had felt a deep connection to him. Like friendship had to become something more.

I had yet to tell him about how I felt, because to me, I'd lose him as a friend. I already was losing him. To training now.

I had a year to tell him. I could survive... Right?

Heeellllooooo my lovlies!!!!
This is my first X Reader, so go easy on me.

I know the basics, so don't worry. I have a great plot planned. So I promise you, you guys will love it!

Anyways, dont forget to vote and comment!

May the Force be with you!

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