Chapter 38: Going Back

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~Your POV~

In the three weeks that followed, Ben and I trained constantly. My muscles had grown stronger and a bit more prominent, and I had altogether slimmed down.

I was proud of how training was paying off, it even showed as I stared at myself in the mirror in my refresher. I ran my fingers over my stomach and the lining of my small abdominal muscles. My fingers trailed up across the side of my breasts until they stopped at the base of my neck. Small, fading red hickies scattered the base of my neck to the back of my ears. All of them were visible against my skin, and I knew I'd have to cover them up sooner or later.

Suddenly, I felt strong arms wrap around my waist and then a pair of soft lips on my shoulder. The contact alone sent electricity through my body.

Ben pressed into my back, but I soon realized that it wasn't just his bare chest that was pressing into me.

I smirked at him through the mirror. "Excited much this morning, Ben?"

"(Y/N)," he groans softly into my ear, causing me to shiver slightly. "You already know what you do to me."

"Oh, I know," I say with a satisfied smile.

His eyes catch mine in the mirror. He leans his chin on my shoulder, giving me a good look at his face.

In the last week, Ben had gone to the medbay frequently. He's had droids touch up on his scar so that it was now just a thin line that went across his right eye. In all honesty, he looked incredibly sexy with that scar.

"You think it's sexy?" He mumbles against my neck, obviously having read my mind.

"Criff yes," I reply, slightly rubbing myself against him.

He groans again. "(Y/N), please let me have you..."

I giggle, releasing myself from his grip. "Ben Solo, you had me last night."

"I need you again," he mumbles, trying to pull me back against him.

"Get some clothes on, my love," I command him. "Come on, we only have a few days left before we leave, and I'd like to contact my home planet, and you promised me that you'd help me do that."

"Alright, alright," he grumbled, laying down on my bed. He pointed to the regions below his waist. "But what do I do about this?"

"Hmm.." I give it some thought. "Well, you can follow me into the refresher and I can help, or you can fix that yourself."

He jumped up from the bed. I smirked to myself.


After showering and eating the breakfast he had ordered for us plus an extra order for myself (because I was starving), Ben took me down to the main hanger.

"Uh, Ben?" I stop walking.

"Yes?" He stopped as well.

"What are we doing down in the main hangar?" I ask.

He motions to his ship. "My ship has the most secure line, no one will be able to trace where your message is going."

"That's if they get it," I mumble.

"(Y/N)," Ben began, "they will. You can also just call them up on the ship's holo."

I ran the idea through my head a couple times, and it didn't sound bad. "Alright, I will."

He gave me a satisfied nod, and then he led me up the ramp into his ship. Now, I had only seen the back room of his ship, and that was nice. The cockpit, though, was state-of-the-art. It was nothing like what the Resistance had to offer pilots. I had to do everything in my power to not touch anything.

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