Chapter 42: The Dream

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(Quick A/N: an important question is in the A/N at the end and I need your answers!)

~3rd Person POV~

The day was just like any other. It was sunny and warm; the Royal Palace of Bendell was in its normal, busy state. But unlike any other day, today was special. Today marked the birth of Queen Aradelle and Prince Consort Gerardus (L/N)'s first born: a girl, their princess, whom they named Princess (Y/N) (L/N) of Bendell.

The princess was born with (H/C) hair scattered on her head, thanks to her father, and gorgeous (E/C) eyes, thanks to her mother. She made her father cry the moment he saw her, for she looked so much like her mother, whom he loved more than anything. The planet of Bendell celebrated for days after the birth of the princess.

An invitation from Queen Aradelle made its way to Corellia within moments after the birth of Princess (Y/N). It was addressed to General Leia Organa, and it informed her of what joy came upon her old friend. She was invited to stay with the Royal family for as long she wanted. Leia took up that offer since it had been years since she had seen her friend.

Five days after she received the invitation, Leia left Corellia with her husband, Han Solo, and their 4-year-old son, Ben. When they arrived, they were greeted by Bendese palace guards dressed in burgundy uniforms. They were lead by a single woman, Bendese senator named Rosdensa Ulyees.

"General Organa, it's a pleasure to finally make your acquaintance," the young, redheaded woman said as the family left the Millennium Falcon. "I'm Senator Rosdensa Ulyees and I'm to take you to see Queen Aradelle."

"All this just to see your friend?" Han mumbled to Leia.

She elbowed him to the side. "Behave, Han."

"Alright, alright," he sighed.

"Please," Leia said, and smiled, "I'd love to see my friend."

"Follow me."

It wasn't hard to find the Queen. She was in the Princess' nursery. The moment she entered, Leia felt her heart tug as she saw her old friend cradle the newborn princess in her arms. Even Han had felt a wave of emotion as he stepped into the room. But the moment young Ben Solo entered the nursery, he was drawn to the baby in the Queen's arms.

Queen Aradelle sensed his eyes on her, along with the eyes of his parents. "Hello, Leia, Han," she said to her friends with a warm smile. Then she turned to Ben. "So this is the Ben I've heard so much about?"

The boy's cheeks flushed with a crimson blush as he nodded.

"Don't be shy," Leia said to her son. "Go say hi."

Ben looked from his mother to the Queen and the Princess. Slowly, he walked over to them. The four-year-old boy looked curiously at the baby in the Queen's arms. The little girl slept peacefully in her mother's arms. It made the boy smile.

"I'm sure you two will be good friends one day," Aradelle said.

Ben Solo looked to her and nodded. He hoped so.


Years passed by in the blink of an eye and, soon enough, young Princess (Y/N) (L/N) of Bendell was 5-years-old. She spent most of her days in the shadow of her mother or playing with her stuffed Wookiee, a gift she had received from her mother's friend. Her life was happy; she was content with all that she had.

It was a warm afternoon as (Y/N) ran along the beaches of Chriseth. The beaches of Chriseth were the home of the Native Bendese people, the Thale, Queen Aradelle's people. The Queen was passionate about her love for her people, and she taught her daughter the traditions and customs she grew up with. She believed it was important for (Y/N) to know who she was; only the Force knew what life for her daughter would be like if she didn't know.

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