Chapter 15: To Destroy a Base

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~Your POV~

There was a plan made.

It was to destroy Starkiller Base. All of the X-Wing squadrons, led by Poe, were to destroy the thermal oscillator of the planet, while Finn, Han, and Chewie try to turn off the defensive shields on the planet itself.

I embraced Han when we said our farewells. When I did, there was a feeling I couldn't quite place; I didn't understand it. I never hugged Han before because it used to make his own son feel unwanted. Now, this strange feeling made me hug him .

I stood with Leia as we watched the Falcon rise into the air and disappear with the other squadrons of X-Wings. I couldn't get the last thing she said to Han out of my head. "If you see our son, bring him home."

"Do you think he'll come back?" I ask, turning towards her. "Do you think Han can bring him back?"

"There's still light in him, (Y/N)," she says. She was still looking at the sky. "There's a chance Han can. I know you fear his return; you fear how he'll react to Tarika. Believe me when I say I was afraid on how Han would react once I told him I was pregnant."

"You? Afraid?" There was a smile creeping up on my face. "I have a hard time believing that, General."

She laughed softly. "Come on, we have a planet to destroy."


Before I head off to Command, I go back to my room to check up on Tarika, She was still sleeping peacefully, but she'd wake up soon.

On a piece of paper, I write her a quick note:


If you're wondering where I am, don't worry. I'm in Command.

I'm pretty busy right now, sweetheart, so once you're up, just play with your toys until I get home. I shouldn't be that late, I promise.

Be good, okay?

I'll be home shortly.


I left the note on her bedside table before leaving to Command.


Reports came in that Starkiller's shields were down. Finn, Han, and Chewie have done their job. Now, it was my turn. Through the com, I sent word to all the squadrons to target the thermal oscillator.

"Light it, Black Leader," I say.

I could hear Poe chuckle through the com. "You heard her. Red squad, Blue squad, take my lead."

I glanced over at Leia, who was speaking to Admiral Ackbar over at the projection of Starkiller Base. Continuing to listen to the com, I heard other the Red and Blue squad leaders. Poe as well.

"Almost in range," Poe spoke. "Hit the target dead center as many runs as we can get!"

"Approaching target," I heard Recon Pilot Snap Wexley say through his com.

"Alright, let's light it up!" Poe responded.

I watched all of the monitors. They were hitting the oscillator, but it wasn't enough damage.

"General!" Someone yelled from across Command. "The First Order dispatched all of their squadrons!"

"Guys, we got a lot of company!" Poe yelled over the coms.

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